Recent content by davidj65

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  1. davidj65

    Foam Replacement

    thought I'd throw this out there on the foam thread: if you don't want to spring for a foam knife, heating up a 6" utility knife blade(dealt makes a nice one) with a heat gun works great. obviously a lot slower, but definitely effective and accurate.
  2. davidj65

    Foam Replacement

    I had the same thing happen, went to set up an electrical system and discovered the foam was saturated and starting to rot the deck. Pulled it all(what a pain) and replaced it with blueboard. Left lots of drain channels and room for circulation. The challenge seems to be in getting enough...
  3. davidj65

    Aluminum Console?

    Oh, I'm not planning on using an aluminum console as the bus. I have a BlueSeas switch/fuse panel and a separate ground bus. I'm just wondering if aluminum is a suitable material for a console? I imagine some boats have a factory console that is aluminum? I was going to ground it just for...
  4. davidj65

    Aluminum Console?

    I need to make a console for my 14' tiller to house fuse panel, bus, switches, etc. and I was considering aluminum. Is there any reason it couldn't be made out of .060 aluminum stock as long as it was grounded?
  5. davidj65

    Aluminum Console?

    I need to make a console for my 14' tiller to house fuse panel, bus, switches, etc. and I was considering aluminum. Is there any reason it couldn't be made out of .060 aluminum stock as long as it was grounded?
  6. davidj65

    Solar Eclipse 2024

  7. davidj65

    Replacing soaked poured in foam

    Exactly, and the floors would have rotted. I plan on installing as much Styrofoam as I possibly can.
  8. davidj65

    Switch Panel Location

    Thanks--it is actually 3/4" plywood and apart from superficial mold, it is solid. What was the issue with your old foam, mold?
  9. davidj65

    Replacing soaked poured in foam

    It is a 2017 V-14, and I do like it a lot. I don't have the option to garage it, but I cover it when it rains with a good cover. Not sure what kind, but it wasn't the hundred dollar one. For the moment I will probably install blueboard foam in the floor. I just can't see installing...
  10. davidj65

    Switch Panel Location

    Yes, that occurred to me! Probably well over 100 pounds, maybe a good bit more. It is all good, I am glad to have found it and got a look at the condition of the floor. I'm a little concerned about the structural rigidity that the factory foam has. Blueboard has similar buoyancy but won't...
  11. davidj65

    Replacing soaked poured in foam

    Started to do a DC install, pulled the deck and the bottoms of the plywood were just laying on wet foam. Some much worse than others, but all of it is wet to some degree. Mercifully, most of the marine plywood(at least that's what the label says) is fine. A lot of recent surface mold, and...
  12. davidj65

    Switch Panel Location

    Well, I considered the options and decided that the suggestion to use the middle port pod for the batteries and the aft port pod for the switches and breakers made sense. Removed the top from the corner pod and found that the foam was full of water and mostly frozen. Cut it up and removed it...
  13. davidj65

    Solar Eclipse 2024

    Dragging the kids up to northern Cayuga County if it is a clear day---
  14. davidj65

    Ideas for housing fuse bar and switch panel?

    The vent in the bench seat is for the batteries?
  15. davidj65

    Watch Out for those Little F'ers!

    Thanks for the info. Just the last couple years I've been getting a lot more careful about ticks. Apparently a lot in our area.