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  1. ozarkbilly

    soon-to-be project 1961 AlumaCraft 14' semi-V

    got it totally stripped out & rough spots sanded. Gonna haul it out to a buddy of mine & he's gonna give it a paint job, hopefully within the next week. Using the Rust-Oleum Topside paint, bottom half will be battleship gray & top half bright red.
  2. ozarkbilly

    soon-to-be project 1961 AlumaCraft 14' semi-V

    not very much accomplished today with the limited play-time I had, but in the interest of keeping a decent "journal" of this project's progress, here's a couple more pics. Gotta cut out & remove all the old wiring & the other little miscellaneous trays & stuff, then I'll be ready for a good...
  3. ozarkbilly

    soon-to-be project 1961 AlumaCraft 14' semi-V

    and thank you all for the condolences. Her death was quite unexpected & it turns out that she knew she was in really bad shape and chose to keep that confidential. I don't know if me knowing that she'd been given X months to live as soon as she'd found out would've made it better or worse, or...
  4. ozarkbilly

    soon-to-be project 1961 AlumaCraft 14' semi-V

    I should've been more clear on that part. She had registered the boat and trailer and listed me as TOD on them, so I just need to bring a death certificate back to DOR with me tomorrow & that will take care of getting the registration transferred to my name. But apparently the guy had been...
  5. ozarkbilly

    soon-to-be project 1961 AlumaCraft 14' semi-V

    Attached are a few pics of a boat I inherited when my mom passed away in the Fall. It's a 14' Alumacraft semi-V that's a 1961 model per the title. At least I GUESS its a semi-V? I'm just basing that on the limited amount of poking around that I've done here. It looks like it was a nice...