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  1. rolling hillbilly

    40HP on a Lowe 1652?

    Keep in mind powered watercraft arent allowed on the river in city limits. I run a 40 on my 18 foot and its enough for 2 but especially in runoff I would recommend a 60 if you are going to have 3 heavier people on board.
  2. rolling hillbilly


    got my first riverboat last year, you are going to love it! sure beats paddling
  3. rolling hillbilly

    Jet Wings

    what material are those made from? thinking I could make them out of lexan very easily, and they would be almost invisible too. I assume they attach via the intake bolts?
  4. rolling hillbilly

    What type of bunks do you guys have on your jet boat trailer

    picked these up, installed them on plain treated 2x4s and love them.
  5. rolling hillbilly

    Great Fathersday weekend

    just thought Id share a couple pics from last weekend up here in Canada my boat at the "launch" after a trip down the muddy road with most of the mud scraped off :lol: and the aftermath, my new personal best lake...
  6. rolling hillbilly

    stuck impeller

    awesome thanks again. I dont have any spare parts so I will have to wait til I get a new impeller before I get too agressive, managed to sharpen it in place so I will order a new one with the extras.
  7. rolling hillbilly

    stuck impeller

    thanks I will give it a go. thinking about it it is in neutral so I guess I have to put it in gear to turn it :)
  8. rolling hillbilly

    stuck impeller

    Trying to get the impeller off my Johnson 40 jet, Outboard jets says "It is usually necessary to bump the impeller counter clockwise on the shaft until the keyway is perpendicular to the flat, (centered over the flat)" my question is how would I bump it, tried tapping it but it doesnt move. is...
  9. rolling hillbilly

    Dumb question...

    thank you very much, thats good to know. :)
  10. rolling hillbilly

    Dumb question...

    another dumb question, what do you use to grease the bearing if you arent supposed to use a regular greasegun? Ive just been using my gun and loading the grease slowly. only got the boat last season so Im still learning, thanks
  11. rolling hillbilly

    Jet boat pictures

    couple of my new to me boat I got this summer. 18 foot crestliner with 40 Johnson.
  12. rolling hillbilly


    thats cool, I saw a picture of plates on the transom somewhere, I guess its something I will have to experiment with in the spring since my boat now has a couple feet of snow on it :( much as Im looking forward to the ice fishing season, I cant wait to get back on the river!
  13. rolling hillbilly


    I do a lot of fishing by myself, and especially on windy days my 18 foot boat can get pretty squirrely on the front end. Kinda fun but a pain the the posterior as well. I was told to put a couple sandbags up front to keep it down, but being a redneck this is what I came up with, works great, and...
  14. rolling hillbilly

    sturgeon fishing this July

    I was anchored fishing for sturgeon one day this summer when a very big one jumped out of the water and T-boned my boat right in front of me, I almost went over the other side! they are amazing fish,saw 3 smaller ones jump yesterday but couldnt get any to bite. one more run this Wednesday then...