Last day of gun season (for me)

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Well-known member
Apr 13, 2009
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Top of the Food Chain
Sorry for the long post..

Today was the last day of gun season, for me anyways. Schedule is packed until next week, when bow season starts back up (finally).

Anyways, had a funny thing happen. I went up to my buddys cabin for the past 3 days. Drinking, riding quads, hunting+moving stands, playing with the puppy (the least manly part of the weekend :lol: ) and had a great time. All the while, soaking up every deer-offending odor on earth.

Now most of the time, scratch that, ALL of the time, I'm anal about scent control when I'm hunting. I stress out about it so much, I'm sure its taking years off my life. Being up at the cabin=no shower, so I did the best I could, but was still stinkin pretty bad by today.

So I took an hour drive over to where I have been hunting all season when I have the time to leave home. Private land, but shared with a bunch of worthless redneck locals, but beggars can't be choosers. My dad met me up there just for tonights hunt.

Had my spot all figured out already, I knew they were coming from the Northwest corner at night, especially when its cold. Put up my stand, got covered in sweat, but was hunting by 2:30.

5:00 rolls around, and the BIG doe I passed up opening weekend of bow season shows up. MY stand placement sucked because there are no decent trees with shooting lanes, so they were coming in from behind me, down wind.

As soon as she pokes her head out of the thick stuff, she winds me. Looks me dead in the eyes. Oh well, maybe next time.

Then she drops her head and keeps coming in. My lucky day.

She mills around behind me, all the while looking at the bottom of my stand, and somehow missing the 200 pound deer killer sitting on it, shaking like a leaf.

She keeps getting whifs of me and looking up, but shes not alarmed, just curious. Finally, shes brushing up against my tree, and I start easing my muzzle loader to my shoulder for a no-scope spine shot.

I was completely silent, and out of no where she takes off running like a bat out of hell. What the heck? I know she didn't see me, she was upwind of me by this point, and I was ready to put a .50 bullet in her back.

Just then, I look down. I forgot I dropped my glove when I first got set and pulled up my gun.

Crazy stuff..
Oh man! Bummer! I dropped my release my first day of Bow season a few years back. I was stuck up in the tree because half way up my tree stand broke.