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  1. FuzzyGrub

    Curly Alumacraft F 50’s ? Older?

    Welcome to Tin Boats! Please post your progress on your project. I have that same trailer that came with a used boat. Have had it for over 20 years, with no major repairs. I prefer exterior grade plywood that has been sealed. Both for the transom and the protective back plate.
  2. FuzzyGrub

    Are these trailer bunks correctly positioned for a jon boat?

    You say that like it was an unusaul event! :D
  3. FuzzyGrub

    Are these trailer bunks correctly positioned for a jon boat?

    Your bunk brackets look like they have allot more verticle adjustment. Raise both of the brackets on each bunk to get more clearance. You will also want to raise that new front roller to keep the boat near level. The narrow side of the 2x4 is fine. You just want it as flat as possible to the...
  4. FuzzyGrub

    QUICKSILVER 6.6 Gallon 25 Litre Quick Connect Petrol Fuel Tank for Mariner Mercury Outboard

    I have the same tank for my 25HP Merc. Gauge has yellowed and unreadable. Unlikely to find that large of fill cap with integrated gauge. I have just been taking the fill cap off when I needed to check it.
  5. FuzzyGrub

    Are these trailer bunks correctly positioned for a jon boat?

    Pictures can be deceiving, but a few things I would look at doing: - The trailer itself looks very narrow for the boat. It looks like tires may contact the boat if the springs compressed far enough. The axle is already under the springs, so will have to raise the bunks some, if that is the...
  6. FuzzyGrub

    MountIng LiFePO4 Battery on its side?

    I believe these batteries were designed mainly for power back-up applications. It wasn't clear to me that anything has been "ruggedized" for our use in boats. I ended up using the foam blocks that came with the batteries in my mounting solution. If anything, more piece of mind. Something to...
  7. FuzzyGrub

    Drivers seat ideas

    If the OP is trying to use a tall, 30", pedestal seat, that will be a problem. Plywood or aluminum. The length of the pedestal is a long lever. The front screws are going to try to pull out on every acceleration. With a jet, you are doing that all the time, to get shallow as quick as...
  8. FuzzyGrub

    GAS! GAS! GAS!

    Yes, I retained the original wood bench seat. It has a sturdy "I" beam structure that makes it plenty strong. You can see the lip of the seat that the hatch seals against. It is 1/2" ext ply. Back of casting deck has an aluminum "L" sandwich under and over it. A single "L" under would have...
  9. FuzzyGrub

    Drivers seat ideas

    On our G3, the seat doubles as a livewell and is a two person seat, but not a standup. I don't remember the floor thickness, but it is certainly less than 1/8", and is screwed in place. With 1/8", I'd think that would be plenty strong for a screw attachment. Use some sealant on the screws to...
  10. FuzzyGrub

    MountIng LiFePO4 Battery on its side?

    I think it depends on the plastic case design, if it is strong enough when put on the side. Batteries in a boat take a pounding, especially in the bow. Check with the mfg. Also make sure the terminals are very well protected from shorting out, and battery is very secure.
  11. FuzzyGrub

    New Member and need help with motor selection

    71 hours is low and motor should look like new. If it is being read from he ECM, it will be accurate. If from an ignition switch, might not be. As a jet owner, you probably know to check the liner and jet impeller for bad gouges. Pods will mostly help with raising the stearn at rest. They...
  12. FuzzyGrub

    12-14ft aluminum boat on a 6x12 utility trailer

    I have a “pick-up on a stick” trailer. A 5x8 tilt bed with all sides removable panels. I have used it a few times to haul my 14’ Fishmaster boat. It is a lite boat, sold by Walmart back in the day. Its trailer was occupied by our 14’ StarCraft. Basicly, used the utility trailer as last...
  13. FuzzyGrub

    1967 starcraft 14 ft Seafarer repower.

    It should work well for your planned uses.
  14. FuzzyGrub

    1967 starcraft 14 ft Seafarer repower.

    Welcome to Tin Boats! I think that is the third time I've said that today. :) That's good for the forum! That should be enough power for that boat for most uses. For heavy loading times, might need a lower pitch prop. If speed is your primary goal, than a 30HP is going to be the better...
  15. FuzzyGrub

    New 4-Stroke or old 2-Stroke

    Welcome to Tin Boats! If you do your own maintenance and repair, and check the old 2-strokes out sufficiently, should be OK. Parts should be available for both. A compression test and checking for water in lower unit oil, among other things, are needed. If not, then have whoever you plan to...
  16. FuzzyGrub

    New Member and need help with motor selection

    Welcome to Tin Boats! I don't have any direct experience with Tohatsu 4-strokes, but also haven't seen any specific issues/complaints about them. The small HP 4-strokes Mercury's are made by Tohatsu. I have had two 2-stroke Tohatsu's (Nissan) and they were built well and performed same...
  17. FuzzyGrub

    My first boat

    As others have said, run it, just be careful until you have a handle on how it operates. If the motor is in very good shape and performs for your needs, you can also look into a "mini" jacker, which will bring the motor to correct height, but does push it rearward some.
  18. FuzzyGrub

    TimeUSB 100AH 12.8V Pro LiFePO4 Battery Review

    50Ah for 24V (series) 100Ah for 12V (parallel)
  19. FuzzyGrub

    Is this dent a concern for leaks since its right on the rivet?

    As long as you can get to the other side, I'd try re-bucking it first. That small dent is nothing to worry about.