How’s the weather been this boating season in your area?

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Nov 25, 2022
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Tampa Bay, Florida
Tampa Bay, Florida
In Florida, I’m feeling more hopeful each day! At the start of the summer it was predicted to be one of the busiest hurricane seasons in history. But it’s been quite the opposite, so far… There’s been lots of opportunities to get out on the water, and minimal storm threat. I’m not ready to count my blessings for the season, but I’m feeling pretty hopeful as we get closer to October and head toward the end of hurricane season 2024 on November 30th!

Dry as a bone! I'm in Eastern WV and several lakes are so low the boat ramps are no longer in the water. Oxygen levels are so low in the rivers fish kills have been reported. Heard somewhere it was the 2nd hottest summer ever recorded and the Potomac tied a record for lowest avg gauge height throughout summer. It's been a rough one!
We have had a wet summer, here in the northeast. But, the last month has been very dry. We went on our first “fall” outing on the river, last Friday. Water was low and very clear. We took the jet thru some of the longest and shallowest runs ever. Our range was significantly limited, in where we didn’t dare to try.
Here along lake erie the dog days of summer have made fishing a real chore. The perch and walleye that most folks are after, like some wave action to keep them feeding. Along with hot and dry, there has been very little if any wind. We have had the longest stretch of light easterly breeze that I can remember, and our fish don't bite in easterly winds!
Great times for cruising on the water, but fising has slowed to a crawl and no real end in sight....
This season has been good for weather here in western Canada. Although the extra hot weather was not good for fishing. Now it's cooled off and I hope to dip my line tomorrow. I'm thinking of doing a little river fishing from the banks soon.
We'll see how the weather holds out now, coming into winter.
NE Ohio

Been hot all summer, drought the last half of summer continuing into fall.

No rain in the near-term forecast, either.

A lot of our lakes are flood-control impoundments on river systems. They have to release water to keep the rivers flowing.

Lake levels are always low at end of summer, but worse with a drought.

Now Lake Erie, it's been pretty fantastic, although hot.
Compared to the last couple of years, this year has been high water levels. Temps have been normal hot summer. Just about perfect right now. I just have not been able to get out as much as I would like.
About the worst thing we have to deal with is floods in the spring that blow out the rivers and reservoirs. 2019 was the worst I have seen with one lake 30ft over pool.

We only had some minor flooding early in the summer, haven't really had a lot of rain since. Lakes are a little low, but they usually start to draw them down in the fall and winter anyway, anticipating floods.

Fishing has been pretty good. Crappie at my favorite lake had been running a little small, but are now in the keeper range.
Here in the Socal desert it's been a long hot summer. Typical hot summer days range between 85F-105F. However, this summer we have had more consecutive hot days between 95F-102F. I'm guessing we have had over 50 consecutive days between 95F-108F between June-Sept. We have never had this many consecutive hot days since I moved here in 2000. Water levels in my local reservoirs are full or very close to full. It's just been too hot to enjoy most outdoor activities, including fishing. rained today and has been approx. 75F for the last few days!!!
Here in the Socal desert it's been a long hot summer. Typical hot summer days range between 85F-105F. However, this summer we have had more consecutive hot days between 95F-102F. I'm guessing we have had over 50 consecutive days between 95F-108F between June-Sept. We have never had this many consecutive hot days since I moved here in 2000. Water levels in my local reservoirs are full or very close to full. It's just been too hot to enjoy most outdoor activities, including fishing. rained today and has been approx. 75F for the last few days!!!

We have had almost perfect weather here up north for the last week. Staring early next week we will be in the high 90's so I guess it isn't over yet.

On those hot summer days I'm usually at the ramp by about 6:30 and leaving before noon.
In Florida, I’m feeling more hopeful each day! At the start of the summer it was predicted to be one of the busiest hurricane seasons in history. But it’s been quite the opposite, so far… There’s been lots of opportunities to get out on the water, and minimal storm threat. I’m not ready to count my blessings for the season, but I’m feeling pretty hopeful as we get closer to October and head toward the end of hurricane season 2024 on November 30th!

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Spoke too soon! 🫣
Time to hunker down…

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