I really didn't keep a close track to what I spent on it, but this is pretty close.
1. Boat and motor-$800
2. New trailer-$50
3. Impeller, thermostat, plugs and carb rebuild kit-$100
4. New prop and old one rebuilt for spare-$120
5. Primer, paint and Walmart bedliner to seal the rivets and seams-$125
6. Aluminum angle-$0 (I had a bunch laying around extra from some treestands I built last year.)
7. rivets, screws, bolts, etc-$25 for what I didn't have laying around
8. Seat bases (4)-$80 the other 2 I had from another project
9. Seat swivels (4)-$40 the other 2 I had from another project
10. Seats (4)-$100 they are on sale at Cabelas until 7/31
11. Cooler for livewell-$10 ebay
12. Hatches (5)-$100 ebay
13. Hatch liners (2)-$30 ebay
14. 3/4" roof decking-$0 left over from building our house
15. Epoxy resin (all wood is coated with it)-$0 left over from a previous project.
16. Carpet-$100 Lowes
17. Lights, switches, wire, livewell pumps, bilge, seat posts, etc.-$300
18. Camoclad-$360-Cabelas. yeah it's expensive, but tough I won't have to worry about scratching it. Plus, I have enough left to do my 4 wheeler.
19. Minn Kota PowerDrive 55lb trolling motor-$600 I haven't got this yet, but will be getting it next week.
20. I plan on spending no more than $400 on a fishfinder.
If I did my math right, the total comes to $3,340. Plus, I had a 1995 9.9 Gamefisher that was literally in brand new condition that I got from my wife's uncle as payment for a debt. I had planned on using it on my project boat, but didn't need it since I had the 25hp. I sold it for $600.