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Well-known member
Feb 24, 2023
Reaction score
Cedar Lake, IN
On the off chance some of you may have actually missed me figured an update was in order.

In the last 3 weeks I've weathered a computer failure, a major family emergency, a car issue, and then to top it off I caught Covid again.

Looks like mainly smooth sailing ahead. Hopefully things will be returning to normal. So how you guys doing?
Holy golly man. Just when you think it can't get any worse, it does. You have nowhere else to go but up now. I hope that's the case. The China virus sucks.
I'm doing OK. I do have a leaky dishwasher, I think. I soaked up about 3/4 cup of water and removed the bottom cover to see where it's coming from, but now it's staying dry. In the mean time it's back to painting some of the house. Never ends.
Glad your comming back, at times, life can really suck !! Been there, wife and I retired, bought a motorhome and started traveling this great country. Wife developed back and hip issues. After two years and multiple surgeries, she is dissabled, barely can make it to the bathroom. MH had to go, now sitting and looking out the window. Things could be worse..........
Thanks guys, things are getting better. Looks like I'm picking up a couple more project boats in the next few days. Think I fubarred my 9.9. Putting the powerhead back on it just didn't seem to be sitting quite right even though I had the water tube and exhaust in correctly.....I think. Started snugging it down, hoping it might seat. Heard a pop and I stopped. Now the throttle won't move. Always something.....hope to get back to that today or tomorrow.

Wife is doing better, I'm over the covid, took a good 10 days. Finally have a little time to call my own again. I feel your pain airshot. It sucks getting old. With my friends dropping like flies ever since HS, the world is getting a bit lonely, but at least I still have my family. One thing I learned along this going on nearly 7 decades journey is, you got to make the most of what you got. Wish I'd have figured this out back when I was younger. They say count your blessings and I know it's true, but sometimes the depression really grabs you and that silver lining seems far away.
I'm glad you cleared the hump and are well on your way out. Once you get out and cast a line again, you'll be much better. A nice drive in the country does a lot for a fellow as well. You're looking good you know!
On the off chance some of you may have actually missed me figured an update was in order.

In the last 3 weeks I've weathered a computer failure, a major family emergency, a car issue, and then to top it off I caught Covid again.

Looks like mainly smooth sailing ahead. Hopefully things will be returning to normal. So how you guys doing?
Just curious if you are religious about the covid vaccinations?

I’m not advocating vaccination. What I’ve seen with my friends that take every new covid vaccination is that they catch covid multiple times.
I'm still a pure blood. Signed up for the poke, but changed my mind at the last minute. It'll be a few decades before we know if there are long term effects from the vaccine. Just figured I'd take my chances with the virus. No regrets, I've never been super sick, more like a bad cold. A lot less severe than the flu which I also managed to catch a couple years ago.

Funny, but for decades I rarely got sick. Now it seems like I'm constantly around sick people, yet I still manage to avoid most bugs. With the whole fam having covid and respiratory bugs over the last few months, I guess the odds were just against me. Although I suspect I may have well picked up covid at one of the two hospitals I was in recently that both told me they were at capacity due to covid. Funny how nobody even talks about covid anymore. At this point though I must be close to reaching immunity. 4-5x, each one with different symptoms too.
Just curious if you are religious about the covid vaccinations?

I’m not advocating vaccination. What I’ve seen with my friends that take every new covid vaccination is that they catch covid multiple times.

Mrs Ldubs and I had 5 COVID vaccinations each. We got covid before while traveling. Mild for her. For me more like a bad cold/flu. Mrs Ldubs just tested positive again yeaterday (again after traveling). Her symptoms are very mild. I'm still negative but suspect it is a matter of time. Long way of saying I'm agreeing the vaccine doesn't prevent catching covid, at least not for us.
Thanks guys, things are getting better. Looks like I'm picking up a couple more project boats in the next few days. Think I fubarred my 9.9. Putting the powerhead back on it just didn't seem to be sitting quite right even though I had the water tube and exhaust in correctly.....I think. Started snugging it down, hoping it might seat. Heard a pop and I stopped. Now the throttle won't move. Always something.....hope to get back to that today or tomorrow.

Wife is doing better, I'm over the covid, took a good 10 days. Finally have a little time to call my own again. I feel your pain airshot. It sucks getting old. With my friends dropping like flies ever since HS, the world is getting a bit lonely, but at least I still have my family. One thing I learned along this going on nearly 7 decades journey is, you got to make the most of what you got. Wish I'd have figured this out back when I was younger. They say count your blessings and I know it's true, but sometimes the depression really grabs you and that silver lining seems far away.
Look to Jesus my friend.............he is the way the truth and the life! Suggest you read the Gospel of John in the Bible........and I bet you have one in the book case just waiting for a time such as this my friend! I am in my 70's also and he (Jesus Christ) is my anchor in life!
For what it's worth, I've known of two people who got hospitalized for covid. Also know of two people who got hospitalized due to adverse reaction to the snake oil. I'd say that's a wash. The two who got hospitalized for covid though are like 80 lbs overweight. Early on it was kind of hard to figure out, but soon it became pretty obvious that the vax was just a moneymaker. Many of those pushing the poke, including that Fauci guy had stock in the companies producing the crap. What a racket. I read that 10 new billionaires were created who profited from the vax. I'm not one to buy into conspiracy theories, but I smell a rat.
For what it's worth, I've known of two people who got hospitalized for covid. Also know of two people who got hospitalized due to adverse reaction to the snake oil. I'd say that's a wash. The two who got hospitalized for covid though are like 80 lbs overweight. Early on it was kind of hard to figure out, but soon it became pretty obvious that the vax was just a moneymaker. Many of those pushing the poke, including that Fauci guy had stock in the companies producing the crap. What a racket. I read that 10 new billionaires were created who profited from the vax. I'm not one to buy into conspiracy theories, but I smell a rat.
Your spot on................it was all a racket from the get go.............fear and control that's their game!
For what it's worth, I've known of two people who got hospitalized for covid. Also know of two people who got hospitalized due to adverse reaction to the snake oil. I'd say that's a wash. The two who got hospitalized for covid though are like 80 lbs overweight. Early on it was kind of hard to figure out, but soon it became pretty obvious that the vax was just a moneymaker. Many of those pushing the poke, including that Fauci guy had stock in the companies producing the crap. What a racket. I read that 10 new billionaires were created who profited from the vax. I'm not one to buy into conspiracy theories, but I smell a rat.

I can't know for certain but expect the vaccine has some theraputic value. All I know is too many people got sick and died. And a lot of people made money on the backs of the taxpayers.
Glad you are on the upswing! I noticed that I hadn't seen you for awhile, but thought it was me, as I've been off and on lately.

Keep getting better, and always say your thank-you prayers, and focus on the good things!
For what it's worth, I've known of two people who got hospitalized for covid. Also know of two people who got hospitalized due to adverse reaction to the snake oil. I'd say that's a wash. The two who got hospitalized for covid though are like 80 lbs overweight. Early on it was kind of hard to figure out, but soon it became pretty obvious that the vax was just a moneymaker. Many of those pushing the poke, including that Fauci guy had stock in the companies producing the crap. What a racket. I read that 10 new billionaires were created who profited from the vax. I'm not one to buy into conspiracy theories, but I smell a rat.

Yes, Sir. I couldn’t agree more.
The wife and I have been very fortunate. We got the jab at the insistence of our kids. We are both 71 and I worked with the public through the whole deal. Neither of us have gotten it to date. We are the only ones in our family to not get it. All of our kids and grand kids have had it at least once. There may be something to being old and nasty, at least on my part.

Having said that, our oldest daughter is a nurse and has dealt with a lot of death from it at work. Her observation is that most of the people that died had existing health issues before they got it.
IMO, most all these new meds that have appeared in the last few years, the manufacturers hope you'll take until you die. Don't you think a lot of people whos ins is picking up the tab will be scared to stop? Thinking they'll feel worse without them, but not really knowing if this is true? Then there's the list of side effects! Holy crap! I wouldn't take hardly any of this stuff unless I'd die without it.

I also think this wave of mental illness which is completely being ignored by pols and the media has a lot to do with introducing foreign substances into our bodies on a continual basis. I really suspect it affects brain chemistry. Remember when people only took pills for a few days when ill? Now we have a host of new maladies which we only hear about when pills are approved to "help" us with.

I take pills to keep my blood pressure down. That's it. If I ever get my weight down where I want it, I hope to stop taking that crap too. It just can't be good for you in the long run to take chemicals into your body on a daily basis.
IMO, most all these new meds that have appeared in the last few years, the manufacturers hope you'll take until you die. Don't you think a lot of people whos ins is picking up the tab will be scared to stop? Thinking they'll feel worse without them, but not really knowing if this is true? Then there's the list of side effects! Holy crap! I wouldn't take hardly any of this stuff unless I'd die without it.

I also think this wave of mental illness which is completely being ignored by pols and the media has a lot to do with introducing foreign substances into our bodies on a continual basis. I really suspect it affects brain chemistry. Remember when people only took pills for a few days when ill? Now we have a host of new maladies which we only hear about when pills are approved to "help" us with.

I take pills to keep my blood pressure down. That's it. If I ever get my weight down where I want it, I hope to stop taking that crap too. It just can't be good for you in the long run to take chemicals into your body on a daily basis.

I was just reading about a whole new set of anxiety/depression mental disorders related to additions to social media -- mostly by the younger folk.
I was just reading about a whole new set of anxiety/depression mental disorders related to additions to social media -- mostly by the younger folk.
Right...............Pharmaceuticals and Doctors have created a whole new generation of "can't live without it drug addicts"!

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