1-7-09 TN Musky!


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Well-known member
Feb 13, 2008
Reaction score
Tazewell, Tn
Me and MJ hit it yesterday. He got on the water around 8 and I didn't get down there til about 1:30. Winds were blowing hard all day...20-30mph gusts with a steady 15mph wind constantly. But it was worth it, we fished til about 5:30 and between the two of us we got 6 fish! Not to mention my very first(AND SECOND) musky ever! Here they are....The first two pics were taken when Mj was by hisself....

Mj's first for the day....48 inches

Mj's second...40 inches

Mj's third...49 inches(Mj's PB so far)

Mj's fourth...another 40

My First Ever!!! 38 inches

My second Ever!!! 47 inches!

Needless to say, We had a GREAT Day!
Loggerhead Mike said:
those are some lunkers. what where yall fishin with?

We caught those on a few different things. We typically throw baits anywhere from 6-10" long.
BassNBob said:
Bubba, did these come out of Norris? Great looking fish.

I wish! No, They came out of Melton Hill Reservoir, its the next lake down from Norris actually.
Very nice! Don't let ole Ahab see this thread though, or he will be camping on your lawn waiting for the next trip!
what depth water where they hiding in? my buddy asked me to go with him to a local lake here (fontana) to try an catch some muskie, but i dont no squat about um. just tryin to get some tips :? fontana's a good size like with depths ranging past 800ft (the fish finder couldnt read past that), and is fed by a cold mtn river, thus it favors to have more muskie than some of the other lakes around here. all the old timers i talk too said they just tie up under the train tressels and drown a worm rite off the bottom (about 100ft ). we tryed that last summer, at the wrong time of day, and the wrong day (saturday - bass boats flyin by us every minute), so hopefully we'll have better luck this time. thanks
Wow those are some awesome fish. Congrats on your first muskie, that is a nice one, even nicer with your second. I am very jealous as I have never even come close to catching a muskie. Keep it up, I can't wait to see more =D>