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Well-known member
TinBoats Supporter
May 15, 2010
Reaction score
Central Florida
Lake County, Central Florida
Have been wondering why there was a "donor" under my name lately.

Not an organ donor.......yet
Not a blood donor.........lately
Last money I donated was a couple weeks ago through a fund set up for a long time friend with cancer.....so that's not it.

Anyway, this morning I recieved this through a private message.
Hi Pappy,
A member who wants to stay anonymous has donated money on your behalf so that is why you are gold. They say your help and knowledge are invaluable.

So thank you for being an awesome member. Send me your mailing info so I can send you a decal (If you want it).


Well......I sat there for a minute and thought about all the people who have helped me along the way. In schools, in college, in engineering, wherever and whenever it seemed.
When I was able to slow down my life a little I began to give back. When in my marine industry corporate life it was a job, now it is rewarding in a different way.
Whoever you are, thank YOU! For giving back in YOUR special way to a forum that has helped so many in so many different ways.

And don't worry too much, am still rough around the edges and doubt that will go away.
No need for replies unless you want to identify yourself.
Whoever donated is right about you Pappy. You and one other guys' posts that I can't think of are like gospel when I read them. You seem to really know you're way around a boat.
Wish I'd thought of it first.

You're one of "those guys," who know stuff and share, graciously and generously.

Plus, you're probably pretty.


=D> =D> =D>
Your knowledge is like gold in and of itself. Your spirit of giving freely is admired. Yes, Sir, well deserved!

To the member that thought of it, my hat is off to you! An inspirational message, to be heard by all.

=D> Great gesture who ever was involved.
Pappy is a tremendous resource.
As are others who make this site a go to.
He's got the motors down!

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