Anchor tie off and running lights.

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Bad Wolf

Well-known member
Apr 2, 2013
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I'm fixing things up and am about to mount the running lights on the bow. If i didn't have the light I would put a cleat on the bow but I don't think there is room for both. Plus I would thing that either the cleat would block the lights or the anchor line might rub against the lights.
Where do most people accomidate both the anchor line and lights?

I just clip my anchor line to the bow eye on the underside of the bow.
Slightly awkward from inside the boat, but nothing major.
I use 2 cleats (port and starboard) about 2 feet from the front of the boat. I fastened them to the inside of the gunnel rail. Works fine for me.
My opinion is Bow Eye for all water..Calmer water Bow chocks etc are fine...Remember I am SW big bay guy..If your ever in calm water and tied over bow and some ediot flies by sending a tsunami at you it can and will pull the bow down and dip water (Sometimes BIG DIP)...If your tied off the BOW EYE you are way less likely to Dip water...So I'm with MR cva34
So do you guys who hook your anchor line on the bow eye just let all 100 feet of line out every time you anchor then?
muskiemike12 said:
So do you guys who hook your anchor line on the bow eye just let all 100 feet of line out every time you anchor then?

If I were doing that then I would just tie the extra line in a loose knot on the bow eye itself.
well I am new to boating and my 10' has a handle on the bow, and I have 148' of ancor line so I tie where I need to and leave the excess in the boat,
I hope in some way this helps, one of the lakes I use is 60' deep, that is why all the line, the handle is on the angel so no big dip for me.
I do get rocked from time to time, larger boats but I still fish.
i tied the very end off to my bow handle, but after anchor deployment and setting i would wrap the anchor line around my front seat post (i always sat in the back).