Anybody shrink wrap a boat?

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Well-known member
Apr 13, 2009
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I'm assuming not many people get their tins shrink wrapped, but I'm figuring its the only way to go now that I have wood decks in place.

Anyone know how to do it/where to get the supplies cheap? I'm not even going to try to get it done locally, as everyone in this town in a crook (and assumes everyone with a boat can afford 300 every winter).
I was surprized to see it, but a lot of guys are getting their boats shrink wrapped here in northern wisconsin. They get it done at the local marina. I would think you could get a roll of shrink wrap and a heat gun and do it yourself. Maybe somebody like McMaster-Carr would have the shrink wrap?
Looks like a cool little side job!

Things You'll Need:
Boat shrink wrap kit
Installation kit
Support poles and strapping lines
Heat gun
Ladder or scaffold
Long sleeved shirt

Purchase a shrink wrap kit and any accessories you might need such as a heat gun. You can buy kits from online retailers or at any boating supply store.

Remove the boat from the water. Place on a trailer and transport the boat to its storage site.

Pad any sharp corners or edges such as windshield wipers or any affixed deck gear that might puncture the shrink wrap.

Build a structure made of support poles and strapping lines over the boat to give the shrink wrap something to adhere to, similar to a circus tent structure. Secure the structure by tying off to the stern, bow and sides of the boat.

Unroll the shrink wrap over the boat. Keep it from hitting the ground, as static electricity can draw dirt to the shrink wrap. Drape the shrink wrap down to just above the waterline on the boat.

Use the heat gun to heat the shrink wrap, causing it to tighten over the support structure and to the sides of the boat. Start at the bow and work from the bottom of the shrink wrap up, moving the gun in a wide sweeping motion. Then use a ladder or scaffold and repeat process on top of the boat.

Check over the entire boat when finished for any holes in the shrink wrap. Patch holes with tape included in the installation kit, if necessary. Install self adhesive vents to keep out mold and mildew that might form under the shrink wrap.

Read more: How to Shrink Wrap a Boat for Winter |
We used this stuff for apllets at a wharehouse I used to work for. It would do more than one boat if you could get someone to go in on it with you.
I watched a video on youtube last year on how to wrap your boat.
At $2.50 a foot I would only need 6' or so to wrap my 1436 jon.
I used to own a 20 foot open bow pleasure boat and had it shrink wrapped one season and it was a disaster. I'm sure a lot of it had to do with how it was installed but when we took the shrink wrap off in the spring, it was like I had a freakin green house under the shrink wrap. I literally had tree saplings, grass and mold growing everywhere because of the moisture that was trapped under the wrap. Add all of that together with the sun and you have a science project. I always put my boat away clean but obviously crap must have still been in there or flew in while waiting to get wrapped. If you do it, i would say to make sure it is absolutely clean inside.