Apparently I had the wrong understanding.

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Well-known member
Mar 8, 2010
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There is a thread about it being "slow" so I decided to throw in my two cents. I made it clear I am only interested in "electric only, small boat" and attempted to start dialogue in that direction. I have fished in and with bigger boats with gas motors for years, been there done that. That said, because I pursue "electric only" it does not mean I am trying to exclued anybody else. It very well might be a fact that some will be excluded, but that's not the intent! If I or anyone else cannot discuss a subject that may exclude individuals, then hardly anything can be discussed! Can someone , namely Jim, explain how I could possibly start dialogue about "electric only" that would be acceptable and not offend....I mean.....when I receive a PM stating," (ebcbob) should have NO say, I'm not the only one that your rubbing the wrong way, so just go with the flow" I don't understand the function of this web-site. I respond to a personal attack and it's called a pissing match? so for now I think I'll try to figure out what tinboats is all about.
Sorry it got 'interesting' on the other thread. I was actually thinking of how I could get a second troller and shave a foot and half off my boat so I could play too. :wink:

One of the more fun times I had was fishing all over a lake with just the troller. Never even started the outboard. You know what guys - there are fish by the boat ramp too!! :shock:


I think the guys are just talking. It's way too early for anyone to feel jilted. They haven't even come up with rules yet! Discussion stages are just that, everyone offers an opinion - usually one that fits them best. But everyone might have to be willing to compromise something to make it work in the end. EcBob is right, electrics and outboards should have separate tourneys. There is a distict advantage that outboards have in getting to a spot first.

If anyone is keeping a tally, I'm ok with electric only circuit. My boat is a heavy pos so I will not beat anyone to any hot spots - but I can't do that now so no big deal.
wasilvers said:
One of the more fun times I had was fishing all over a lake with just the troller. Never even started the outboard. You know what guys - there are fish by the boat ramp too!! :shock:

Yes there are... my profile picture is me holding up a retread caught a 100 yards from the boat ramp! I'll take um all day long :)
ebcbob said:
There is a thread about it being "slow" so I decided to throw in my two cents. I made it clear I am only interested in "electric only, small boat" and attempted to start dialogue in that direction. I have fished in and with bigger boats with gas motors for years, been there done that. That said, because I pursue "electric only" it does not mean I am trying to exclued anybody else. It very well might be a fact that some will be excluded, but that's not the intent! If I or anyone else cannot discuss a subject that may exclude individuals, then hardly anything can be discussed! Can someone , namely Jim, explain how I could possibly start dialogue about "electric only" that would be acceptable and not offend....I mean.....when I receive a PM stating," (ebcbob) should have NO say, I'm not the only one that your rubbing the wrong way, so just go with the flow" I don't understand the function of this web-site. I respond to a personal attack and it's called a pissing match? so for now I think I'll try to figure out what tinboats is all about.
As far as the entire site is concerned, I'm sorry hear that a discussion has turned to personal insults. I really thought this site was maintained through adult conversation, but of course there are always exceptions. I hope you find the information you're looking for, from the appropriate personnel without having to deal with immature or irresponsible personal messages.
The problem lies in what is considered an insult :wink:

I know you're referring to my comment about your post count. I simply said it to point out that you are new here. Never did I say you had no experience running tournaments, fishing, or anything else. It's frustrating that you took it that way, but I understand why you did.

I'll be honest with you, because I'm ready for this to be over. I think the issue lies in your refusal to compromise. (From my perspective) you showed up, without contributing to any other sections, and started acting like you're in charge of the tinboats classic. I understand that we weren't on the same wave length as to how serious, widespread, etc. you planned to take this, and I think that'd where the problems started.

But back to what I said before: refusal to compromise. This site has hundreds of people, all running different set ups. It was my understanding (or atleast my hope) that the "Tinboats classic" would be something that all tinboaters could fish in. I've been waiting a very long time for some serious talks about a tinboats tournament. (side note: when I say tinboats, I'm not saying people who own tin boats in general. I'm referring to members). My frustration lies in the fact that you refused to hear my opinion, and were simply convinced that it was electric only, no separate days, my way or the highway. That is not how this forum is run. Its about boaters helping boaters.

Trying to add to the argument by claiming to know what sponsors will say iwas just insult to injury. We've never had a widespread tournament here on Does it really matter what sponsors will say? Who's to say they won't think building a bass set up from scratch isn't as cool/original/sponsorship worthy as an electric only circuit?

But I digress. Bob, I think you're a valuable addition to this site. Your experience will really help us out, should you choose to give us a hand. I realize you're only interested in electric tournaments, and I encourage you to start some here. However, when something that should involve all members comes up, I simply ask that you'll help out in the same fashion. If ANY legitimate nation wide tournaments are going to start on this site, everyone will have to work together. Its hard enough to get one small get together organized, let alone multiple meetings across the country.

In closing, I'd like to apologize. I'll be the first to admit I got too worked up over something that really doesn't matter. Half the problem lies in the amount of time I spend on this site. The other half simply has to do with the amount of time I've been waiting for some tournaments :lol: . I'm in no position to start them, so I've been hoping some more experienced members would. It was simply a let down to see the talks deteriorate so quickly, and feeling myself and half of the members here be instantly barred from participating. I try to contribute to this site the best I can, and to be honest I expect the same from everyone else. We all work hard to keep a tightly-knit community, and thats why people stick around. I'm sure you'll contribute as well, and I hope to see you around the boards.
dyeguy1212 said:
The problem lies in what is considered an insult :wink:

I know you're referring to my comment about your post count. I simply said it to point out that you are new here. Never did I say you had no experience running tournaments, fishing, or anything else. It's frustrating that you took it that way, but I understand why you did.

I'll be honest with you, because I'm ready for this to be over. I think the issue lies in your refusal to compromise. (From my perspective) you showed up, without contributing to any other sections, and started acting like you're in charge of the tinboats classic. I understand that we weren't on the same wave length as to how serious, widespread, etc. you planned to take this, and I think that'd where the problems started.

But back to what I said before: refusal to compromise. This site has hundreds of people, all running different set ups. It was my understanding (or atleast my hope) that the "Tinboats classic" would be something that all tinboaters could fish in. I've been waiting a very long time for some serious talks about a tinboats tournament. (side note: when I say tinboats, I'm not saying people who own tin boats in general. I'm referring to members). My frustration lies in the fact that you refused to hear my opinion, and were simply convinced that it was electric only, no separate days, my way or the highway. That is not how this forum is run. Its about boaters helping boaters.

Trying to add to the argument by claiming to know what sponsors will say iwas just insult to injury. We've never had a widespread tournament here on Does it really matter what sponsors will say? Who's to say they won't think building a bass set up from scratch isn't as cool/original/sponsorship worthy as an electric only circuit?

But I digress. Bob, I think you're a valuable addition to this site. Your experience will really help us out, should you choose to give us a hand. I realize you're only interested in electric tournaments, and I encourage you to start some here. However, when something that should involve all members comes up, I simply ask that you'll help out in the same fashion. If ANY legitimate nation wide tournaments are going to start on this site, everyone will have to work together. Its hard enough to get one small get together organized, let alone multiple meetings across the country.

In closing, I'd like to apologize. I'll be the first to admit I got too worked up over something that really doesn't matter. Half the problem lies in the amount of time I spend on this site. The other half simply has to do with the amount of time I've been waiting for some tournaments :lol: . I'm in no position to start them, so I've been hoping some more experienced members would. It was simply a let down to see the talks deteriorate so quickly, and feeling myself and half of the members here be instantly barred from participating. I try to contribute to this site the best I can, and to be honest I expect the same from everyone else. We all work hard to keep a tightly-knit community, and thats why people stick around. I'm sure you'll contribute as well, and I hope to see you around the boards.

Well said Dyeguy, Thank you..
Am I missing something here? You guys are actiually fighting over the rules for some fishing club online?> Are you even in teh same state?
Captain Ahab said:
Am I missing something here? You guys are actiually fighting over the rules for some fishing club online?> Are you even in teh same state?

No, It's healthy conversation! Its all good now...I hope. :D
I missed it too! A big thumbs up to how fast the moderators clean things up around here. 8)

Just wanted to say Welcome to the forums Bob, I hope the ride smooths out for you and the duration of your stay.
This is bar none the best forum I have ever been a part of concerning fishing. I hope you can get past the first bumps and see what great guys frequent the site. For me that is part of the draw of this site, it is a place where fisherman across all boundries of ethnicity, religious affiliation, economic standing, etc can come together and chat about what we love--fishing.
bAcKpAiN said:
I missed it too! A big thumbs up to how fast the moderators clean things up around here. 8)

Just wanted to say Welcome to the forums Bob, I hope the ride smooths out for you and the duration of your stay.
This is bar none the best forum I have ever been a part of concerning fishing. I hope you can get past the first bumps and see what great guys frequent the site. For me that is part of the draw of this site, it is a place where fisherman across all boundries of ethnicity, religious affiliation, economic standing, etc can come together and chat about what we love--fishing.
Yes this is a neat site, we'll ( be around. we like to share what we're doing. We've received e-mails from all around the country by interested anglers who want to start something similar to us. I think through Tinboats even more will consider "electric only". Time will tell.
I am pretty new here and I have not jumped in with both feet all over the board except maybe this area because from what I have read in other sections you guys are a whole heck of a lot smarter than I am about fixing up boats, motors and trailers and all sorts of stuff. Best keep quiet or else show your ignorance :lol: .

I love my electric only club. Greatest thing since sliced bread. I have visited all sorts of electric jon boat clubs websites and fished with several clubs. No matter the BS that sugar coats it, they are all the same. Some have rules for this, some for that, but when you hit the water they are all the same. The EBC is the same as any other, no difference. I am sure it feels good to think your club and your rules are the way to go. All the self back patting is going to do is turn people off. Done turned me off.

What I like about this site is that all of us are of the same breed. Whether it's the cost or the preference, we fish out of jon boats. No great big 'ole glitter rockets with 500 hp motors hanging off the back. This is the same boat that God gets in when he wants a mess of fish.

I hope something can be put together so ALL tin boaters can meet and fish and have a good time. I like tournaments because it makes fishing a tad bit more interesting, but I would be there if we were fishing for a moon pie and a Coke. All I ask is to keep it open to all that can and will attend. And not a whole bunch of stupid rules like qualifying and all that crap. [-X
It's time to make peace. I will support a tournament open to all members of TinBoats. ebcbob is a good guy, he likes to debate what he feels is right in his heart without backing down. I know he will support a tournament for all members. Tinboaters have a good thing going. EBC wants to be part of that. A divisional tournament with, let's say, electric only, up to 50 hp, and above 50hp will give more members a chance to compete against equipment nearly equal to theirs. There would be three divisional winners, instead of one. Also three big bass awards could be given. I hope this would be held at a lake where there is a lot of nearby fish for the electric only crowd. Our range is probably 2 miles maximum. LETS GET IT DONE! The EBC would like to continue to pursue a tournament with the other electric only clubs who are a part of TinBoats. Hey riverat, could we have a friendly competition with your club someday in the near future? Respectfully, ebcdave
Hey Ebcdave, that would be awesome :D . We would be glad to be a part of something like that. We have tried to get with clubs from Ga and Virginia without much success. Maybe you guys can get something rolling.

Let me know your ideas and I am sure we can work it out =D>
ebcdave said:
A divisional tournament with, let's say, electric only, up to 50 hp, and above 50hp

Morning Dave,

You touched on something that made me go Hmmmm. I know we have many members with gas powered engines, but my impression has always been that the majority of those were 25hp and smaller. I have no facts to support that, just my impression. Maybe we need a take a poll for the people who are interested in the tournaments (or just members in general) and see what the breakdown really is.

Just my 2 cents.
Poolie, I see where you're going and I think a poll is the only way to answer it.

It seems like there are two schools of thought.. I like where dave is going, just because with a 50 and up limit, you won't have much larger than that. I think the biggest around these forums is a 90 horse on a tinny.

But I also see where you're going, because having 25.. or 5 hp... matched up against a 50 doesn't seem quite fair. :lol:
dyeguy1212 said:
Poolie, I see where you're going and I think a poll is the only way to answer it.

It seems like there are two schools of thought.. I like where dave is going, just because with a 50 and up limit, you won't have much larger than that. I think the biggest around these forums is a 90 horse on a tinny.

But I also see where you're going, because having 25.. or 5 hp... matched up against a 50 doesn't seem quite fair. :lol:

I think this is why there was such a strong advocation for "electric only". That way it wouldn't matter what motor you have hanging on the back you are only using the electric motor thus leveling the playing field. If you want a totally fair tournament, you would have to go to those kind of measures, but why stop there, maybe restrict side imaging sonar, senkos etc. :LOL2: I have competed in a few tournaments over the past few years. One was a Fishers Of Men team tournament with no boat/motor restrictions. Me and my bro fished out of a 16' tin boat with a 25HP tiller. Things were hardly fair, but we fished hard and took second place. The other tournaments have all been local electric only tournaments on smaller waters. We have done ok on them as well, I guess my point is that it doesn't matter what restrictions are or aren't in place everyone has a shot. I plan on fishing a few FOM tournaments this year out of my 14' with my 15HP on the back. Will I be at a disadvantage? Probably. Will I feel I don't have a shot? Not on your life! It isn't a boat race, it is a fishing tournament. :mrgreen:

One of the challenges to this segment of the fishing world is the great veriety of boat sizes, speeds, capabilities etc. If there is a line drawn somewhere someone will either be left out, or someone will be left at a disadvantage. Either way not everyone will be happy with it. My personal opinion is anything that gets more people involved is a good thing. I am not for any boat size restrictions. But, I don't mind electric only for the spirit of fairness if that is what is desired. I don't see a huge advantage of the 20' bassboat if it is restricted only to the electric motor or like was mentioned a "no-wake" or a speed limit idea. I think for tournament considerations we should keep everything in the spirit of friendship, respect, and fun. If it is to be some kind of "Nationals" for a tournament circuit, well then it would have to be the agreements of the groups that are represented. That my friends is kind of far off for our segment of the market I am afraid because of the challenges to overcome in the veriety of the boats we fish out of. Even at that, you know how it works when money is on the line, the envelope would be pushed, and people would be running the biggest and fastest if it ever gets to where money is flowing. There is a reason why the pros run what they have, they are in business, to make money. If our segment of the market were to grow to that kind of level don't think for a second that us average Joes would be able to compete--it is the nature of the animal. Thus why I would say, keep it friendly and fun!
On the WI/IL group we're trying to start, I'm thinking about the possibility of a speed limit rather than horsepower limit. if everyone is limited to 10-15 mph, then the crawdads can compete with the 250hp guys.

In my opinion - a big motor gets you is the ability to move a bigger platform faster and maybe a few extra fishing minutes - but you still have to catch fish. It also costs more, but that my jealous side for the guys able to do 50+mph :mrgreen:
wasilvers said:
On the WI/IL group we're trying to start, I'm thinking about the possibility of a speed limit rather than horsepower limit. if everyone is limited to 10-15 mph, then the crawdads can compete with the 250hp guys.

In my opinion - a big motor gets you is the ability to move a bigger platform faster and maybe a few extra fishing minutes - but you still have to catch fish. It also costs more, but that my jealous side for the guys able to do 50+mph :mrgreen:

I have seen this first hand not work. We fished a tournament in the ABA and I was stuck with a guy with a 25hp Tin Rig and we were up against Boats with 250's.

The Lake had a 12mph speed limit. :LOL2:

The rooster tail coming up off the back of those big boats made me laugh. How slow can a 21 foot glass boat go to be on plane? :LOL2:
If there are no rules, you will have anarchy, If there are too many rules, you will have slavery, If you have the right amount of good rules you will have peace and harmony. That said, lets start making rules, add, subtract, compromise, but lets start getting something going.
My two cents, trying to keep it simple:
1. two divisions. electric only, (no boat size restriction, no trolling motor restriction)...and gas motor division, (no boat size restriction or motor restriction, only that it be a tinboat) a modest entry fee
2. you fish one division or the other, but not both. . Fishing water (at the site) to be determined by officials
3. Must have an aerated live well. 5 fish limit per boat. or lake laws if less than 5 fish.
4. artificial bait only, only one rod at a time.
5. start on time and finish on time.
6. Dead fish penalty (too be determined) and no dead "Big Bass" allowed.
7. Tournament directors have the final say in all decisions.
Have at it...........and I am more than willing to explain the reason behind these simple rules......for ex. "5 fish limit"...that way a tinboater can fish by himself and not as a team of two.
ebcbob said:
If there are no rules, you will have anarchy, If there are too many rules, you will have slavery, If you have the right amount of good rules you will have peace and harmony. That said, lets start making rules, add, subtract, compromise, but lets start getting something going.
My two cents, trying to keep it simple:
1. two divisions. electric only, (no boat size restriction, no trolling motor restriction)...and gas motor division, (no boat size restriction or motor restriction, only that it be a tinboat) a modest entry fee
2. you fish one division or the other, but not both. . Fishing water (at the site) to be determined by officials
3. Must have an aerated live well. 5 fish limit per boat. or lake laws if less than 5 fish.
4. artificial bait only, only one rod at a time.
5. start on time and finish on time.
6. Dead fish penalty (too be determined) and no dead "Big Bass" allowed.
7. Tournament directors have the final say in all decisions.
Have at it...........and I am more than willing to explain the reason behind these simple rules......for ex. "5 fish limit"...that way a tinboater can fish by himself and not as a team of two.

My thoughts exactly^... big bump the the aerated livewell rule

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