Big Bite Bio Baits

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Nov 30, 2008
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If you go to big bites website, they are giving a free sample pack of the new Bio Baits. They will ask you if you want freshwater or saltwater. Tried these out and slayed Kentucky's on a local creek. Nice scent and the sample pack has one flipper, wacky worm, finesse worm, paddle worm, and tube. Just thought Id share these cause I have to say they outworked my other lures Saturday and anything Biodegradable helps preserve todays fishery for tomorrow.

jwmiles said:
If you go to big bites website, they are giving a free sample pack of the new Bio Baits. They will ask you if you want freshwater or saltwater. Tried these out and slayed Kentucky's on a local creek. Nice scent and the sample pack has one flipper, wacky worm, finesse worm, paddle worm, and tube. Just thought Id share these cause I have to say they outworked my other lures Saturday and anything Biodegradable helps preserve todays fishery for tomorrow.


When did you fish these baits?

And where?

Flounder, They will actually email you telling you that you forgot. Just reply and they will have it to you very quick.

Cap, I was fishing a small river in SW Missouri, the Kentucky's were in a slew with a brush pile making a current break from the main river.
thanks jw - those are some good baits.. Ive used the craws before and they look goooood!
I forgot(yesterday)also flounderhead59.
They emailed me back within a couple hours,asking my preference.
I didn't get an email yet. Maybe they saw my address is Illinois and not much saltwater fishing going on here so they will default to fresh.
i did the same thing but they emailed me back and asked what kind fresh or salt
I got my baits today! I specified freshwater in my email.
How do you like the smell of those? I opened mine when I got them and MAN that is definitely unique. Have to say durability is ok. The Kentucky's loved em enough to tear em up pretty good. :)
FishingCop said:
got mine today- look intersesting enough - biodegradable is a good thing

Ha, got a second pack in the mail yesterday?? Too bad that everyone that emailed them didn't get theirs. Have no idea why another one showd up??? My luck day I guess. (No Capt., you can't have them - I already stored them away with my fishing stuff :wink:
Just got mine today as well... and it's a good thing - I plan on buying something from them now after seeing it in person... they sent me a bag of goodies!

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