Big winter storm

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Well-known member
Jan 23, 2011
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Marion Illinois
The Weather Channel cries wolf so much about these I don't always pay attention. This one looks like it will slam most of the country pretty bad with snow or freezing rain. My daughters are grown and live near St Louis. It is tough being a hundred miles away when something like this is coming. The snow I can handle but the freezing rain and losing power is really bad news when it is this cold. I'm praying this is another false alarm but I doubt it. [-o<
Any of you guys in Oklahoma or Kansas getting it now? We are due to see it later on Tuesday.
GL to those in the path of the storm, sounds like NO FUN !!!
I'm in North Texas. Looks like we've got about an inch of sleet on the ground right now. Ice, then snow, are scheduled for the remainder of the day. Schools and several businesses are cancelled. Just a regular, scheduled day off for me. Tomorrow will probably be a booger-bear, though, going back to work.
I think this one's going to miss us for a change - going just to the south of us. We had about 3"-4" yesterday and another inch or so overnight but not the 12"+ that KC, Chicago and Detroit are supposed to get. You guys in the northeast must be pretty tired of this by now.

I may have told this story in another thread but when I was in the USAF, I was stationed of all places in Duluth, MN. My boss, Capt. Crews was a native Floridian who never quite adjusted to the North country. He used to wear those leather-soled dress shoes that were murder on snow and ice. We used to stand by the window and watch him try to navigate his way to his car. So many times he'd slip and go out of sight behind the snow bank followed by a little cloud of snow. Anyway, as he was getting closer to retirement he once told us he was going to strap a snow shovel to the front of his car and drive south until someone asked him what it was. He thought if the person had never seen a snow shovel it would be a good place to live. I have to agree with him. I never heard from him after I got out but hope he made it...
Got some wood stacked up in our basement, 2 ton of pellets for the pellet stove, 15 gallons of water, bread, eggs, milk, a generator, 2 5 gallon cans of Gas, two 5 gallons cans of Kerosine for emergency heat, canned goods, coleman cookstove for emergency use... we've been down this road before. In fact, the last time our house was home to our family and our neighboors too. :wink: You can't over-prepare
Im in KCK. Had some freezing drizzle yesterday, but power and roads are just fine. It's blowing light snow right now 30-40mph. Sky should really open up around 10am if they're correct.
BaitCaster said:
Everyone talks about snowstorms coming from Canada. This one came from Texas!
I guess it's true that thing are bigger in Texas cause this thing is a WHOPPER!

Generator and snowblower are both checked-out and gassed up, foods in the fridge, propane heater is ready. I'm about as ready as I'm gonna get.
I'm prepared for anything! When we run out of food we will go get some! :LOL2: :LOL2: :LOL2:

Well the weathermen have been wrong so far. I'm in So. IL and they said the ice was supposed to hit last night. It's 10am and still just raining.

The g/f is up in Edwardsville and she said there is about 1/4" ice on the roads already.
My daughters live in the St Louis area. My oldest stayed the night in a hotel by her work. The company put 20 of them up so they would make it to work today...something tells me it could be a couple of nights if this thing hits. My younger daughter shut down her sleep labs in Belleville and Fairview Heights. She said most patients were canceling and nobody would die from sleep apnea in a couple of days when the roads clear. She only lives a mile from work but she bought a new Mustang last summer...we know how good they are in the snow and ice. :roll:
It's supposed to get bad here in southern MI overnight. The kids are being sent home early today, the the wife's Pharmacy is closing early, and may not be open tomorrow.

I'm guessing the kids will definitely not have school tomorrow....

I'll have to dig us out at some point to go to my moms, and dig her out, in case of an emergency or something. I know she won't go anywhere but just in case.
S.E. WI.... snowing and blowing now with about 6" new snow since last night... forcast for the blizzard to hit about 3:00 PM.. up to 24" total possible when it winds down Thursday morning. Combined with 45 - 50 mph forcasted winds... maybe even I will stay home tomorrw... :D


PS: that goodness for 4 -wheel drive...
NE Illinois snow report.
I shoveled once today about 3+ inches of light fluffy snow, temp about 22º, winds not bad yet..
I won't shovel again until it's all over.
we have a lite freezing drizzle right now it is supposed to get worse over night then heavy rain on wed afternoon
I am scheduled off on wed but i think they will call me in and $70 an hour will be hard to turn down
Raining pretty good here right now, and the temp is 45 degrees. Forecast is for lower temps and cloudy the rest of the week. Hopefully for those getting it now, or about to get it, I hope it's not too bad. I will never forget the ice storm of 2009! It was no fun at all. :shock:
The weathermen said it should start at 3:00pm and they were right.
still raining hard here and the wind is picking up. with the temps looking to drop tonight it doesn't look to promising :roll: :evil: