bow fishing?

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Ive only seen it done from boats, having never done it my self im affraid I cant be of much help, looks fun tho
Seems like a waste of fish to me. My cousin does it all the time, I cannot see it being fun after the first one. Just shoot a target, or atleast something you are gonna eat.
I am not a fan - why just kill the fish for no reason?

Get a light rod and some corn, probably the biggest and hardest fighting fish you can ever catch in fresh water
I agree with J and ESQ. I don't see much point in it really. I can't imagine fish fight real well with a big arrow through them.
Gotta agree with J, Dave and Nic on this. Unless you plan to eat the fish or ar thinning an overpopulated lake to stop the numbers from stunting the size it's a waste of a valuable resource for both angling and the environment.

If the water they are coming from is clean (is there any water where you live that isn't ???), carp can be some excellent eating.
They were originally brought to, and distributed throughout, this country by the government as a food source.
I shoot the heck out of them. Gar and carp mainly.

We shoot ours from a boat but I have done it in creeks from the banks.

Rough fish populations need a check just like everything else. Buzzards gotta eat, same as worms. Do some reading on Asian carp and see what they are doing to the ecoysystem if you don't believe me. Most wildlife agencies call for extermination of non-native species and I have no problem helping them out.

You might be surprised how hard a fish can fight even after being struck with an arrow.
well whare i want to shot the carp is in a big sponing pond for a lake and we think thay are eating all of the good walli spon. trying to get the walli spon back up.
muskie man said:
well whare i want to shot the carp is in a big sponing pond for a lake and we think thay are eating all of the good walli spon. trying to get the walli spon back up.

I agree that in some cases carp may need to be thinned from an lake. Asian carp are a complete different story than common carp. I really don't care that you shoot them, I just don't think there is much sport in it, thats just my opinion. I personally have never felt the need to feed a buzzard though. You do, however, have my permission to come to lake galena and shoot white perch. I will buy you arrows.
Bow fishing is big around here we have a huge carp population I want to also try it out I hate when people just throw them up on the bank so they can rot and stink there is certain people here that eat these and will take them if offered so they don't go to waste. Do you need a special bow?
dude bowfishing is awesome i have only done it from a bow though you have to get used to it though theres allot of snap shots where you dont have time to aim and everyonce in awhile you for get to aim low.

I imagine it is allot harder to do it from the bank because you need light to see them suckers and be kinda elivated. forgot to mention ive only done it at night. with lights and a generator and a platform deck up front.
Esquired wrote
I am not a fan - why just kill the fish for no reason?
AMEN!!!!!!! Put a muskie or 2 in there and the carp will woddle away slowly but surely. Probably everything else will too but it will solve the carp problem!!!!!!
Different strokes for different folks.

PETA isn't real happy about all forms of fishing either but it probably doesn't bother you guys too much.

Any idea what the mortality rate is every weekend for bass tournaments happening all over the country? Far higher than the bow fishing take, I can tell you that.
Some People agree, some disagree. Thats the Beauty of having civilized discussion about it. =D>

If it is legal and you want to do it, no one can stop you.
quackrstackr wrote
Any idea what the mortality rate is every weekend for bass tournaments happening all over the country?

The Pa state tournament is held 15 miles up the Allegheny River from my house every year in Tidioute September and the mortality rate for them fish is bad. 2 years ago the holding tanks were so full that the fish were dieing from lack of oxygen and it pissed alot of people off. I think everyone one out theres has killed a fish inteninially or by accident but to have the tournament officials kill a majority of the catch is another thing! They were just to dam lazy to take the tanks down to the water and dump them. Thats Bull *****!!!!! Alot of nice fish died that day for no reason other than stupidity!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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