Busted rod


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Well-known member
Nov 5, 2010
Reaction score
New Cumberland, PA
OK -- this probably falls in the really stupid question category but over the weekend I managed to break one of my rods about 18 - 24 inches down from the tip. It was a Pflueger Echelon ECH70-1M 7'-0" Medium action IM 8 Graphite. Now I know there isn't much you can do with it but for guys who build rods, can you salvage the handle and reel seat and the guides and use them to build a new rod? I don't do that but if there is someone who does and would want the parts, you can have them. I just hate to throw something away if someone can use it.

Let me know.

I have had rods I busted repaired - does change the action, but a few times I liked it after the fix better
I have had rods I busted repaired - does change the action, but a few times I liked it after the fix better

Thanks for the suggestion, I actually did not know they could be repaired. I didn't want to tell the wife though...I was eyeing up one of those carbonlites and this was the perfect excuse. :)
BassGeek54 said:
I have had rods I busted repaired - does change the action, but a few times I liked it after the fix better

Thanks for the suggestion, I actually did not know they could be repaired. I didn't want to tell the wife though...I was eyeing up one of those carbonlites and this was the perfect excuse. :)
Go for it my man =D>
the tip top might be put on with hot glue. a little heat from a lighter it might come loose.guides simply cut the epoxy a treads with razor and pull of. grips and real seats are put on with super tough adhesives and a darn near imposible to remove without being destroyed.
Broken rods can almost always be repaired and if done right there will be very little change in the action. Here's a link to an article that explains in detail how to go about repairing a rod.

I'm so cheap I use broken rods for spooling line on reels. I even try to mix and match the rod halves to see if I can come up with a different "action" for situations.

Broken rods also make good retrieval tools.
This site is great....you guys have given me a lot of great suggestions. I did manage to talk the wife into a new rod, so I got a RCX Power Trigger rod 7'-0" MH Fast for $69...it was on sale from the regular price of $99. Now I am thinking that if I use one of those repair articles you guys sent and I actually pull it off I will need to buy a new reel for that one. :mrgreen:

Thanks again to all of you. I hope maybe some other members got some good suggestions from this one too.