Well, here goes. Today is day 1 of an experiment with a dog supplement called Dinovite. My poor boxer dog Zorba is a mess. No matter what foods, supplements, shampoos, and drugs we have used, nothing seems to work. He scratches his ears, eats at his paws, keeps us up all night with licking and scratching. It seems to come in spurts but on a consistent basis. He will scratch till he is red raw, and his chest and chin are always a shade of pink. Researching the net I came across a product called Dinovite and everything I read it seemed I was reading about Zorba. I took the plunge and ordered a 90 day kit. I pray this is the answer and will keep you updated. I'm sure I'm not the only one. Wish Zorba and me good luck.
Link: https://www.dinovite.com
Link: https://www.dinovite.com