Dog Attack

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Well-known member
Jun 23, 2009
Reaction score
Waco, TX
So yesterday my neighbors dogs (both Chows) decided that they would force their way into my back yard. My wife and 19 month old daughter were working/playing in the garden when they looked up to see these two dog barreling from the back of th fence line. Papi, my daughters small dog ferociously charged them (he weighs less than 5 lbs). The two chows pounced on him. My wife and daughter retreated inside my other dog, Duke's kennel (115 lbs red bone hound) Duke promptly cleared the five foot fence and went to the rescue. Wife called 911. By the time the police showed Duke had persuaded the chows that they should leave. Duke then stayed their by the lifeless body of our small Papillon dog. I rushed home to a hysterical wife and scared little girl. I took Papi to the emergency animal vet but he succumbed to his injuries & shock about 5:20 pm. When I returned home, I stopped by the PD and spoke with the officer who said "well, its mostly a civil matter." I requested to see a copy of the penal code and then showed him where Texas Law Prohibits the harboring of any vicious animal without license or permit. He said e would speak to the Chief on the matter.

When I got home, I retrieved my 12 gauge loaded it with OOO buck shot. I went to the place in the fence where they pushed under it. Both Chows charged the fence and as they attempted to make their way under I shot them both. When my neighbor came outback and saw what had happened he looked very surprised. When the police showed up I explained to them what had happened. I showed them where the dogs were, one was halfway under the fence. They proceeded to write me a ticket for discharging a firearm in the city limits.

When their police chief showed up he promptly took the ticket and ripped it up and told me not to worry about it. He then went over to my neighbor wrote him two tickets for dogs at large, two for no proof of vaccination, and even wrote him one for his grass for being too tall.

I took no joy or gratification in killing this mans dogs. My wife was very upset as she had to witness these two dogs attack Papi and that she couldn't save him. I didn't sleep a wink last night cause all I thought of is what if Papi wasn't there to distract them. This morning at 6:30 when Kinsley got up it was the same morning ritual. "Momma, bite? Dada." Then she walked through the house saying "Papi" as she searched for her dog. We all will miss this tiny dog who had a heart of a lion.


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My condolences for the loss of your family pet and I'm sorry that your child had to witness it.

If you are ever in KY, I want to personally buy you a beverage of your choice. It's high time people started standing up for what is right and you have my highest respect for doing what you did. I have 4 large dogs nextdoor and one across the street that may meet a similar fate one of these days. All of their owners have been warned after previous incidents so they can't say that they did not know that it was coming if it happens. I will not let someone else's ignorance and lack of respect threaten my family again.
Im sorry for your loss. Those little dogs are so easy to get attached to. I would have done the same thing in your shoes, ticket or no ticket. Im just glad that your family is safe. God Bless.
I have also had a similar senario about 8 years ago, My condolences.... words won't make you feel better, but the fond and good memories of Papi will later bring you comfort.
If you are ever in KY, I want to personally buy you a beverage of your choice. It's high time people started standing up for what is right and you have my highest respect for doing what you did

x2 brother
I'm sorry your little buddy died, but he did his duty and protected who he loved. He sacrificed himself to save your baby girl and wife. He's a HERO in my book! I know its hard, with him not being there. My family dog, passed away a few years ago. I'm glad you popped those Chows, I might have let them get further in the yard though.. =D> =D>

As Quaker stated, I'll buy you a round anytime. Look me up if you ever head to Huntington, WV.
My sincerest condolences on your lost. Papi was a eal hero and will be terribly missed.

You did the right thing though. Just wish I could have been there with a second shotgun. Glad the police chief had some common sense.
[-o< [-o< [-o< for your little hero...I am sure he will be getting a hero's welcom in doggy heaven...and try to remeber that he is no longer suffering from his other favorite website ( has an entire forum dedicated to loosing a pet..."One Less Dog In The House Tonight"...mostly dealing with pet death due to age or illness...your story would go down in history as the most remarkable story ever....

You are lucky to be living in Texas...I live in S.E. Wisconsin and if I would have done what you did (the RIGHT thing to do) would have probably ended up in me going to jail.....Wow...what a screwed up legal system (in Wisconsin)....

Also.... =D> =D> =D> to your other dog that save your wife and daughter...He also has a heros welcome waiting for him in puppy heaven....
Glad to hear your wife and child were spared through the actions of your Papi. Those little dogs do have the heart of lion when it comes to protecting their family. Sorry the little guy was lost. :cry:
So sorry to hear about the loss of your pap. I can't imagine seeing something like that happen in my own yard.
Also, props to your police chief for using common sense and ripping up that ticket. In my town, I probably would have been hauled off to jail for defending my family like you did (not that I would ever think twice about doing the exact same thing)
Sorry for the loss in the family..

And you did right by taking action into your own hands - too many people don't have a backbone these days and are scared to death of a lawsuit -- I'll take my family over a lawsuit any day =D>

ON the other hand - the owner would probably be hurtin a little right now too... I'm not so nice when it comes to stuff like this
RIP Papi. He was willing to give his life for his owner. That was one brave little dog. Some of those dogs are very protective of their owner in that sense. Good thing in this case. It could have been a lot worse.
I am glad the chief had some common sense in the matter. It is a good thing you knew a little about the law and your rights also. At least you will not have to worry about those particular dogs attacking your family again. Keep watch for for your neighbor to possess more dogs in the future.
Thanks everyone. My wife tells me that our daughter has been looking for Papi all day. :(

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