Ever since I saw this online, I've been wanting to build one


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Well-known member
Dec 1, 2009
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The Barren Deserts of Arizona
Seriously, I found this image online about a year ago and since then I think it would be a hoot to put one together.

Not safe at all, probably would make the Game and Fish ranger wet himself while he was writing me a ticket, but man, it would be fun as heck and sure would turn some heads. Maybe someday...


Funny thing is, dude looks likes he's explaining his build to whomever is taking the photo. :shock:

That chair's metal, doesn't it technically qualify as a "tin" boat? (term "boat" used very loosely).
"And Yeah right there is muh boat, got my rod holders to"
azekologi said:
My lingering question; are those "pontoons" (again, term used very loosely) solid or do you think they are hollow?

Im pretty sure thats pink panther rigid foam insulation, custom cut and taped together for maximum bouancy. Maybe this build will be easier than you think.....
If you do build it i would use something wider than a broomstick to mount the lawnchair too. =D>
:lol: I've seen this too! I agree with bobberboy about the "hope he's not a breeder..." but unfortunately, he probably has!! Anyway, I'd like to try to register something like that at the BMV :roll:
Here's his brother coming for the tow after his trolling motor battery fell off of his pink pontoon...

crazymanme2 said:
Is the 754 his registration #'s :lol:

I'm thinking it was probably a contest and that was his entry number, but you never know. It could have been the number of times he made one, and that was the one that floated......attempt #754, lol.
I hope they are both breeders, that's good ole fashion American enginuity right thar.

I got a couple of thsoe lawn chairs sitting in the garage. Actually I have everything I need, except the foam board. :mrgreen:

I DID make a boat, more like a raft like that when I was a kid, we (my younger brothers and I) loaded it up on mom's trunk and drove it out to the local pond. It could only hold the weight of 1 8 year old, unless you didnt mind getting your feet wet, then all three of us fit. :mrgreen: