Farthest you have been in your tin boat ???


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Fish Chris

Well-known member
Oct 12, 2007
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I guess, as the crow flies, I was never really more than 8 miles from the launch, but here on the Ca. Delta, the sloughs snake all over the place.... then throw in the fact that I took off in one direction in the morning, fished for 6 hours (caught one 44" Sturgy) then traveled back the direction I came from...... But kept right on going past the boat ramp, for another several miles, then back that evening. Anyway, calculating that I go right at 25 mph, and drove about 1 hour and 40 minutes (total running time) I figure I traveled very close to 40 miles. This took right at 4 gallons of gas.

Seemed like quite a bit of water covered in my 14 ft'er, to me, but I'm sure some of you have gone much further, huh ?

Any of you make any epic voyages ?

Just curious,
The biggest lake I have been too took me more than an hour to get to my spot....But I was going about 15-18mph with my 25hp. The best part...It started to Rain and thunder so hard that the white caps and waves were making it even tougher for the boat to go "that fast".
I had my old 19' Sea Nymph about 20 miles offshore and of course all over the De Bay which is huge!
I go all day long, just ask Z-man :) I think the last traveling trip we did was around 4-5 miles, two men, 14' boat, two trolling motors, two batteries :)
Only about 5 miles in my 12er. It only goes about 5 mph with dad and me, and when we first got it, we did a couple 2 hour runs (1 hour each way) to get a feel for it. Fishing, it is never more than about 2 miles. But, once we get the bass boat running, hopefully with a 115, we will go a lot farther. Our lake is kinda vee shaped, with the dam at the bottom. It is 10 to 15 miles from the dam to each of the ends of the vee. We live near the dam, and there is no direct road route to the top end of the lake, so we will probably launch at the dam, and work upstream.
well when I was running my tin boat i went from the neshaminy ramp up to Trenton that was with a 15hp at about 18mph it took me 2 hours each way
now that same run takes me 15 to 20 mins in the morn
what a difference a few hundred hp makes...


In the 16' jon boat I'd have to say a couple of miles................if you count going along the shoreline............but the ramp is usually within sight, lol :wink: . In the Tracker, maybe 4-5 miles round trip.
Not sure the exact distance from the beach but I've been in 250' of water in Lake Michigan. Puts me like 15-18 miles out I suppose. ONLY when it's calm I venture that far out there. Normal trips are closer to 5-8 miles out.
So now you have me curious. Are you saying that one could not find 250 feet of water 1 mile from shore, and then another spot with only 50 feet of water, but 20 miles offshore.... in Lk. Michigan I mean ?

Or to ask another way, is Lk. Michigan a big, fairly predictable bowl ?


I judged my distance from shore by means of a SWAG (Scientific Wild *** Guess) based on the time it took my to return to the harbor after pulling lines. I ran right at 35 MPH on the run back and it took me just about a half hour to get to the harbor. Of course I was a little north so my distance from the harbor was farther than distance from shore. Like most bodies of water they are deeper in the middle and when you consider the Great Lakes were formed by glaciers you can pretty much expect them to have a basic bowl shape. I'm launching from Waukegan Harbor in Illinios and the Kenosha harbor is about 15-18 miles away. To hit 250' (83m) works out to about the same distance. Of course now that I have a handheld GPS, IF I ever go that deep again I'll be able to look and see how far out I am.

I spent 9 years stationed in South Texas. Rockport and Ingleside to be precise. I met my wife there and her family is big in the saltwater fishing. For a couple of years my wife even had a commercial fishing license and we tartgeted flounder to suppliment our Christmas money. I used to go floundering before work almost every morning. Just sort of fit when the internet got big and when I needed a unique name my wife suggested flounderhead. That was taken so I added the 59 as that is the year I was born.
I crossed Union Lake with my TM about 3 times in the same afternoon. I used my TM because I was with 2 other boats that didn't have outboards. I don't know how wide it is, but I went from the state ramp to the other smaller ramp near the beach area and back again and then up to the sailing club and back to the state ramp.
not sure how far but ive burnt up 8 gallons of gas (my 6 gallon tempo and 2 of the three gallons of my backup tempo) in my 2001 1448 smokercraft with a 25 horse merc
1536 Duracraft w/1974 25 Evinrude times 22 gallons of fuel ( 12 gallon tank and two 5 gallon cans ) = over 8 hours of exploring the rivers and lakes in south Louisiana ( Amite, Tickfaw, Blood, and Blind rivers. Throw in Lake Maurepas and Lake Ponchetrain. ) and still ended up having to get back into Coyell Bay on my trolling motor. Top speed was 28 mph by my buddies Seaark. He told me I was nuts and went home after a couple of hours, but now who does he come to so he can find all those cool little backwaters? At the farthest point, I was probably about 60 miles from the landing. Didn't catch any fish, but I sure had a ball yahooing all over place.
A buddy of mine & me take our boats on the Kalamazoo River.We have gone just shy of 50 miles total in a day.We boat so much we know what fuel milage our boats get.We both run 15 hp Evinrudes & get about 7 MPG.We always run our GPS"s so we know how many miles we have gone.
My lowrance he's has a tripmeter for the current day and totals. I just got it last summer. Furthest day was right at 20 miles and avg is about 15. I was surprised that I went 280ish miles last summer.

I have a friend who has the tiller version of my boat with a 25hp on it. He and a friend went 150 miles down the river all the way to the coast. They had to get out and drag it over logs etc. I would love to make a river trip like that as long as the river stays deep enough to not have to abuse my boat. Its my baby so I don't want to do that.
few times around the lake :roll:

Hoping to do some river running this summer... I'm all for exploring.. and frogging spots no topwater has been before... lol