Had a close call with the table saw today.


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Well-known member
May 10, 2008
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I just experienced my first table saw kickback directly after telling my youngest son "that is not a safe place to stand". He says "why?" I tell him "just move go watch from inside the door." Nothing like proving a point sometimes it hurts to be right! Chunk of 1/4" plexi to the side at 200mph kind of stings. Bounced off me and went right past where little man was standing, hit my daughters bike so hard it bent the rim bounced off and put a hole in the garage door. My side feels like it's on fire. He says "daddy you ok?" " Yeah buddie I'm ok but it hurts like crazy. You see why I didn't want you to stand behind the saw?" I tell him.

I think high school wood shop may have just saved my kids life, with a lot of help from the Lord.

I don't think he will be standing behind any table saws. I'm sure he'll remember this one for a life time.
close call eh. I had that happen to me to with1/4 plywood. Im not a wood worker but I think if you put the blade higher the chance of kick back are reduced.
Man...close call for sure.

vanbc said:
close call eh. I had that happen to me to with1/4 plywood. Im not a wood worker but I think if you put the blade higher the chance of kick back are reduced.

Not to pick on you, but that is wrong... kick-backs are from binding, caused mostly from improper set-up. Use a riving knife, featherboards, and anti kick-back pawls. :wink: I also use zero clearance sled jigs for the ultimate tear-out free cuts, which also avoid kick-backs.
i have a carbide tooth stuck in my garage door from cutting aluminum with my mitre saw.when they break off,look out.i was extra careful not to stand behind the saw and it saved me from a gsw.
Ouch.. Glad you were on top of your game, so to speak. I wouldn't give too much credit to shop class, it was all thanks to you being aware of your surroundings and being sure your kids are safe.
you need to talk to Poolie about kickback... not good

then again, I had to take my father-in-law to the hospital to get sewn up because of the same thing
Glad you, and your kid, are both OK. Saws are wonderful tools, but can be deadly.

Some years ago, I broke my first ( and I hope my last) bone when I got lazy and didn't push a 1/4 inch piece of plywood all of the way past the blade. Sure enough, the vibration moved a piece back in line with the blade. Blade picked it up and threw it back, breaking my index finger.

In total terror and fright..I grabbed the finger and straightened it out....re-setting the break myself. When the doc saw it, he wanted to know who had done such a good job of resetting the break. I told him the story...he laughed...and gave me his card, in case I ever wanted to get in medicine..Ha!

Hurt like H### for a while.

regards, Rich
hey stop pickin on me :p Thanks for the info. The woodworker in family has passed away so I cant ask him for help.
perchin said:
Man...close call for sure.

vanbc said:
close call eh. I had that happen to me to with1/4 plywood. Im not a wood worker but I think if you put the blade higher the chance of kick back are reduced.

Not to pick on you, but that is wrong... kick-backs are from binding, caused mostly from improper set-up. Use a riving knife, featherboards, and anti kick-back pawls. :wink: I also use zero clearance sled jigs for the ultimate tear-out free cuts, which also avoid kick-backs.
That was close, glad things are ok, have those ribs checked out(I dont mean at a local rib shack!!)
Glad it wasn't more serious.

I had kickback late last summer on my miter saw. Took two fingers out of commission for nearly 4-5 months.

Careful boys....learn from our mistakes...before you make the same ones. Please!
Painful way to teach your little buddy shop safety, but no doubt one he will always remember. Glad it was no worse than it was. I've had the pleasure of visiting my local ER several times because of a basement full of wood working equipment.
Glad to hear everyone is OK. There is a lot of potential engery stored in table saws.

Have you seen the new saws that stop instantly when they detect skin?


and the inventor gives a demonstration using high speed cameras.
Glad to hear everyone came out unharmed, i had a close call in shop class as a kid that still haunts me to this day so i can more than assure u this is indeed a lesson he will never forget!
I can't watch that video. 37 years after cutting the end of my finger I still jerk my hand back watching it.

Glad everyone's ok.

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