How much water should come out the pisser?

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Well-known member
Apr 25, 2011
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Corsicana Tx
At idle, it takes about 45 seconds to a minute before I start to see the steam come out the pisser, then another 10-15 seconds before it starts putting the water out.

It puts out, what appears to me, a decent broken stream. The stream breaks with the exhaust and seems like the exhaust is pushing it out a little bit, if that makes sense. Air coming out with the stream like putting you're hand next to an exhaust pipe, only not quite as bad.

It's a 1970 Johnson 40hp electric shift if that matters?
im not a motor expert but with my mercury, water will start flowing just seconds after the motor is started. and its a steady stream. when i first got my motor it would have a weak stream of water like you were talking about so i took the impeller out and noticed one of the blades was missing. i think you should just go ahead and change the impeller because it sounds like its not flowing the way it should.i might be wrong though because i dont have any experience with motors other than mine.
Oops. Never mind. I though you were talking about a prostate problem rather than a motor.
There were a couple of different configurations of that engine. If you have the standard old exhaust housing then the engine should start pumping almost immediately and pump a decent volume out the exhaust. Change the impeller at the very least and if the top of the cup or the bottom impeller plate is grooved then change the complete pump assembly. Much cheaper than repairing a fried powerhead.
On my Merc 225....I have thermostats. In cold water like we have now, it will pee for a bit, then the thermostats close and it won't pee until the engine warms and the thermostats open again. I learned all this the hard way a couple weeks ago. Thought my water pump was out and took it to the shop to learn this. Thankfully, they didn't charge me anything for being stupid.

When it does pee, it is a steady stream that does have some minor breaks to it. I've seen some though that shoot a hard steady stream.
I was going to take a video of what it does, but the camera died.

I took it to the lake today specifically to make sure it was in the water right. With it floating at the ramp, it started to steam almost immediately, maybe 3-5 seconds before I could see it. About another 5 seconds and it was squirting intermittently, like it does in the barrel. About another 5-10 seconds it was gushing like I'd never seen it do before.

So I'm assuming the water pump/impeller is ok. It never got above about 135-140 according to the cheapo temp gun I borrowed.

I drove it around the lake for a while and found out the next project is a carb rebuild, it cuts out when I open up the throttle. I feathered it and played with it a little while and it would try to open up, but kept bogging down and dying out. I reckon it goes hand in hand with the fuel pouring out the front of the carb yesterday in the barrel. Float was stuck, time to just rebuild it and be done with.
my Johnson wasnt pissing at first and just did the water pump. The rubber gromets around the water tube ends were old and dryrotted. They had collasped and covered up the water tube holes so no water was flowing even with the impeller working
I've got a 135hp Mercury Black Max on one of my boats and it will not start to squirt water for about 15 to 20 seconds after the motor starts up. When I bought the boat last year I replaced the impeller and checked the pump housing and everything was fine the guy that was working on it with me said that he had seen some like this before and that it shouldn't be a problem but to keep and eye on it for overheating. But I would do as several here have said replace impeller and pump hosing if it looks bad. I also replaced the hoses on the motor as well that the water flows through.