If you have a moment my family and I could use your prayers.


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Thoughts and prayers coming right up!

If there is one thing I have learned about things like this, it is that you should never EVER dismiss the power of positive thinking. Keep your chin up and hang in there!
All is not lost Code. My wife is a survivor(19yrs cervical);Her cousin is also a survivor(breast 3yrs); our good friend is also a survivor (breast 6yrs).So with all the medical advances these days,things will work out.There are good things happening here in St.Louis in cancer treatments nowdays.Don't be afraid to look this way,if you are referred up here.Hopefull it was detected early.
S&MFISH said:
All is not lost Code. My wife is a survivor(19yrs cervical);Her cousin is also a survivor(breast 3yrs); our good friend is also a survivor (breast 6yrs).So with all the medical advances these days,things will work out.There are good things happening here in St.Louis in cancer treatments nowdays.Don't be afraid to look this way,if you are referred up here.Hopefull it was detected early.

Thanks man actually we were lucky enough for one of my wife's bosses helping us, she is a survivor as well. She is well connected and pulled some strings and got into Siteman there at Barnes-Jewish within a week. We have been nothing but pleased with the care we have received at this point. Going to be making more trips up there than I can imagine but grateful to make the trip.

And to everyone else thank you, I appreciate the support.
Ever see a rugged fisherman cry?

That's me, right now and every time I hear another heart-wrenching story like this. It happens way to often and not only effects friends (yes, Codeman...you are a friend), and family, but it even got me a few years ago. I beat it 2 years in a row and now am in my 4th year clean. My heart aches hard for you and all that are effected by this. I'm certainly sending prayers now and will keep you in my prayers throughout this ordeal.

Wasilver is right.....look for the positives, and don't search the internet. If the internet was correct, I wouldn't be here to pray for you and your family now. Attitude is also important, and I don't need to mention Faith in God. He is good always, and when and if you think differently, He understands.

May God's blessings of healing and comfort come to your wife, you and your children always.

You have a great group of friends here. Let us know if we can help in any other way.

Almost forgot.........CANCER SUCKS!
Prayers sent Codeman! Trust in the Lord and he will be you all through.
At age 21, My wife was treated for stage 3 melanoma. She is coming up on 10 years cancer free. Praying for similar results for your wife!
I will pray for your wifes healing, and your childrens peace of mind, and for your strength. Try to stay strong, you will be their rock in the upcoming difficult times. With todays technology cancer is not what it was even a few years ago. Your wifes chance of survival are the best they can be. She will survive this and years from now you can look back and thank God that the she will be able to help others in the position she is in now....

God will bless you and your family....that is what he does....

Outdoorsman. [-o<
Thought and prayers sent. Keep thinking positive thoughts.

My ex Girlfriend is walking in The Susan G. Komen 3-Day for the Cure in Washington D.C. next weekend. I'll make a donation in your wife's Honor.

If anyone else would like to donate, here is her link.

Just seen this and prayers are sent what is one to say?
I trully hope the best for you and your family.
My grandmother had throat cancer then breast cancer (still cancer free). Mom and brother have had skin cancer. I know what your going through right now. Prayers sent for your family and friends!
Another marathon day yesterday, trying to get things done that have to be done before the chemo can start on Friday. Thursday and Friday will be long a tiring for both of us. PET scan, port placement, echo just to check her heart, as well as another biopsy. Then Friday morning the chemo begins.

And on a lighter note, I also scheduled a vasectomy for myself for next week just for fun, and heaven forbid we have a week without a doctor visit. It was strongly suggested that I do this due the fact that getting preggo during would be a VERY BAD thing. And hey she has cancer, healthy and happy otherwise, I guess that's the kicker.

I cannot express how much I appreciate the prayers that I know are going up for us. All I can say is THANK YOU!

And Fender66, man I so appreciate the offers, don't be surprised in the coming months to get a call from me, I'll take all the help I can get.
I have been on the other side of that conversation when i was the same age.

Thoughts and Prayers to you and yours!
And Fender66, man I so appreciate the offers, don't be surprised in the coming months to get a call from me, I'll take all the help I can.

James.....The offer stands. Anytime. My wife is also on board. Just say the word or make the call. All will be good.

On a "BRIGHTER" note....just when I think the world has gone to hell in a hand basket...I see the good people on this forum come together in prayer. Brings more joy into my life than you guys will every know. God bless us all, and thanks for letting ME be a part of this.