Jugging made lazy


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apologize to all, this was near the top of my page, did not realize old thread. I humbly apolgize to the board for reviving the thread. My mistake, did not read the date. Sorry guys
No apology needed. Regardless of when the discussion started, if a topic is open for discussion, post away.
I am a jug man myself! It is legal here and I jug fish. I don't care if you like it or not.

You on the other hand like to bass fish. Good! It does not bother me.

Some like fly fishing. Good. I don't care.

You worry about what you do and I will worry about what I do.

Keep your nose out of my business and I will keep mine out of yours!

I also kill deer to eat. You kill them for antlers. You kill what you want and I will kill what I want.

As long as it is legal and we are all following the law. All is well.
i throw out my jugs then go bass fishing and check them periodicly.

i use these and pool noodles with hanger wire folded in two pushed through the middle and over the outside twist them together tie on your line.
these you can ajust the depth on i have mine set up to go to 70ft with 2 hooks off dropper knots.
the noodles are fixed at 10 ft. with the line on the end the stand up with fish on.

a good afternoon of jugging. went over to my granddads to cook him some. 3 generations on fisherman in this photo.

run trotline too when i camp on the water. lot of work prefer 2 groups of guys so you can split night check duties.
nothing like waking up, running the line,getting back camp and and having fresh fried fish and cheese grits for breakfast.
I see nothing wrong with it, and have helped a few guys doing it to find all their jugs. One day I was trolling for crappie and came across an gatorade bottle moving along the bank. Pulled in my lines and finally caught the jug, had a 3lb cat on it. Moved it back out to deeper water for the owner, and sure enough, a guy comes along an hour later asking if i had seen any jugs. Told him where it was, and his kids were excited to find the last jug. Came back in 10minutes to show me the cat and to thank me again. The kids were having a blast. :D
run trotline too when i camp on the water. lot of work prefer 2 groups of guys so you can split night check duties. nothing like waking up, running the line,getting back camp and and having fresh fried fish and cheese grits for breakfast.

A man ain't lived untill he's had cheesy grits. Mmm mmm mmm
I have used glow sticks, LED lights and they cant compare to the reflector tape. Lasts forever and you can see it from a half mile away.

For jugs fishing when the lake is calm get a 2 ft section of half inch pvc, slide a5 inch piece of rebar inside then cap both ends of the pvc.
should look like a baton. Screw in an eyebolt (screw) into one of the end caps for your line. Cut about a foot off a swim noodle and shove the pvc end without the eyelet all the way into the noodle until it is flush. Should look like a noodle with a handle. Add you hooks (5 or less) and At least 8 oz of weight to the rig And wrap reflective (white on top of red) tape around the top of the noodle. when you deploy your hooks and toss this thing in the water it will stand out of the water about 10 inches. Grab the noodle lay it on its side and the rebar will slide to the side with the noodle and the jug will lay flat for hours untill you get a strike. When a fish pulls the line the side with the exposed pvc will tilt down, the rebar will slide to the bottom and the jug will stand up. Hit it with a light from a hundred yards if you see whiten xt to red move on if you see white on top of red, Fish on!