July 4th to July 12th


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Sep 26, 2008
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4th of July 2009 Local LMB

Left the house at 10am and headed out for some LMB . Started with a Senko ..


They kept coming but were all like above .. Small so I switched to a Rattle Trap ..


Then a few nicer ones :)




The water was very clear and I saw a lot of fish .. Bluegills from 2" to 9" were swimming all over .. I had rubber boots on and was lite wading .. I have told many people about the quicksand here so I dont know what I was thinking :( The water was higher than I can remember in the past 2 years so wading was mandatory .. I walked up and spooked a few schools of LMB that were hiding along the bank in the grass and then see a real nice fat HOG .. I attempted to get to a sandbar and made it but it was not sand .. I sunk up to my NADS and when I tried to compose myself I went in to the ARMPITS .. The HOG was spooked and I was soaked so I went back to the truck and deposited everything except for a Spinnerbait and went back to waste deep water . I lost 3 nice LMB in the 4 pound range .. They all went airborn and shook the spinner . I ended up with some nice fish on the Spinnerbait including 2 that were borderline 5 pounds .
Lots of 12" LMB but I am happy to see the BIG ones survived the drought last year .
Next time its Topwater :)

Was home at 2pm .. Total was about 30 LMB :)

CHP 7-7-09

I got to the pier at about 11pm and took a walk because I saw 2 trucks with Kayak racks (2 each) . I get out to the end and see 4 yaks at work and 1 boat . In that time it took me to walk the pier I only saw 1 Spot caught and thats it !
Water was stained and 3/4 down and going out . The Jellyfish were at full staff and quite a few varieties .
I was going to make the most of it anyways so I was on the water by midnight . I looked for a good spot and settled for the area near the burnt section .. Rigged up 2 pink Mullets and went to work .. First cast I get slammed and 2nd cast I land a 17" TB Flounder . I picked at them and it was a tough bite and I did figure out what slammed me ... CROAKERS :(
Anyhow with the bite being slow I had time to try a few things ..
First up was STRIPERS .. I could hear them popping and once in awhile I saw them but they wouldnt hit plastics so I tied on a Rattle Trap (Bleeding Shad Blue/Chrome Super Spot) and Bingo a 19" Striper followed by an 18" and another 19" .. 45 minutes later I get the one .. Fights like a Pig and sure enough its a 29" Striper that was super thick .. Spit 2 7" Spot in the canoe .. Oh well back she went .
Tide stalls at low so I go into Spot mode for some fresh cutbait but there is NO Spot ?? I tried all over to no avail so I went back to Floundering around .
Switched to Pogies and it was game time ... Landed 3 keepers in a row then a multitude of TB's with most being 16 to 17 inches and fat .. I didnt get the 4th till sunrise .
AH Sunrise :):) The bite picked up 100 percent and I released 2 more keepers and lots of TB's .. Well when the Croakers allowed me to anyways .
The boats started to move in and a few yaks came off the beach so I figured it was time to exit stage left ;)
Oh almost forgot .. Landed 2 Spikes on Pogies as well and I think I had a nice one on .. briefly anyways ..
I should have took pics while I was out there and I had the camera but after the first fish I was sand coated and wet .. Not a good combination !

It was a nice night with some decent pullage .. None over 20" but still a sweet night :)

I'll put up a pick when I muster up the energy to clean them .
Man I sure wish I had my Gulp that was stolen .. It was almost all Pogies .

PS They are almost done working on the Pier .


The Wall 7-12-09

Morty and Sunshine picked me up at 5am and we hit Bills Sports Shop to meet up with Fran and Ray and headed over to the ramp in Lewes by 5:45am . We hit the wall and found NO one there :)
I cut Green Crabs while the others fished with Sandfleas and fish came up on the first drop with a few TB Tob and Sunshine with a very nice Trigger ..

Man I am Jealous .. I have yet to get a Trigger off that Wall so I tried free-floating some Sandfleas but go Zip .. We Boxed about 6 Keeper Tog before the swells got bad and we made a move to the inside of the wall .. Pulled the hook only to find the Wreck Anchor Gone ! Man that sux !!
The inside was much calmer but NO Tog .. Fran got a 4" Seabass and a huge Oyster Cracker and Ray gets two 12" Sandsharks and that was it . Fran's buddy was Diving and spearing fish and said they had some active fish back on the Outside so we moved back out .
It was tough to get Toggled in but we managed after 3 attemps and began to catch more Tog and Oyster Cracker and a few Bergals .
Lots of Jellies in the water again ..

Ended the day with 12 Tog and 1 Trigger .
I was high hook with 4 keeper Tog
Morty had the Biggest at 21"
And Sunshine gets the prize for the best fish with her nice Trigger :)


man... stupid work, can't get the photobucket pics (ah ha,.. just remember the post jim put up to try and see if I can get through the firewalls). Nice read, I'll look at the pics tonight unless I can get around it to see them here
Nice report,those bass where inhaling that rattel trap.
I don't think the tog are here yet but they are on my "to do" list.
Nice fishing.
Zum said:
Nice report,those bass where inhaling that rattel trap.
I don't think the tog are here yet but they are on my "to do" list.
Nice fishing.
You have Tautog over there ? Cool !
hengstthomas said:
Zum said:
Nice report,those bass where inhaling that rattel trap.
I don't think the tog are here yet but they are on my "to do" list.
Nice fishing.
You have Tautog over there ? Cool !

He not only has taug - he has a spawn area for them!
He not only has taug - he has a spawn area for them!
I have personnal not confirmed this(spwaning),only going from what my father inlaw and other fishermen have said.
I have seen them though,,,catch the on a flood tide, coming into a brackish lake.Heres one my cousin caughttog.jpg
I think there somewhere here year around but have never seen one in a lobster pot or heard of it.I say year around because I don't think they would swim the Bay of Fundy(pretty big) and it's along way around the shoreline.
The ocean is still alittle cool yet,heard that someone caught a bluefish last weekend...didn't see any pictures.Couple more weeks yet.