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Well-known member
Nov 27, 2010
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Houston, TX & Crossville, TN
Many of you probably already know this...but...for those who didn't...

If you are like me, you are often reading some fishing/boating/or ?? site...and the author says something like "I really like the "Owner Twistlock hooks"...." or any other item....and you have NO IDEA what the hook or lure looks like and that he is promoting.

Since I have an inquisitve mind ( or maybe I'm just slow)...I've found that if I highlight the exact words ---owner twistlock hooks---- then RIGHT CLICK my mouse.....an entry comes up that says 'Search Google for 'Owner twistlock hooks'

I select that entry and my browser takes me to a Google page. That page not only lists a number of sites that sell the hooks, it often also has a number of images that SHOW what the guy was talking about. Most times, just a glance at the picture is enough for me to backtrack to the story and continue reading.

I use Chrome and that is how it works.

Other browsers might require you to
HIGHLIGHT THE WORDS (same as above)
HIT CONTROL and C SIMULTANEOUSLY (which copies the words)
HIT CONTROL and V (which pastes the words into your search line)
and HIT ENTER to go find the site.

Obviously, I like the way Chrome handles it.

Try it. You may like it.....regards, Rich
Hey Rich, just an FYI about what you are noticing. Chrome is Google's browser and, not surprisingly, Google self-promotes. Thus the add-ons to your right click menu.

Many programs believe they know what is best for you and when installed will add some little gems to your right click menu without being asked (kinda like when you are installing some program or utility and part of the installation is installing Google Chrome, unless you uncheck the preselected option to install it). What you are describing is a useful addition to make your browsing easier and it is a good addition (Google is my search engine of choice). Sadly, many are not so useful.
Good tip, I do that all the time! If you have Google chrome, I highly suggest downloading the free "Pop up Blocker". This stops all pop advertisements and when you are watching a you tube video that has an advertisement, it skips it automatically.
If you press the CTRL key before clicking and if your using one of the modern tabbed browsers it should open the link in a new tab so you can then click around without loosing your place at TinBoats
i'll be darned, learned something new today. Firefox opens it in a new tab with having to push ctrl key. Now I can be lazier then I've ever been.
Another tip that speeds up browsing: Instead of typing "www." (website) ".com", you can simply type the "website" and press CTRL + ENTER to snap the www./.com before and after it.

type EBAY on the address line, press CONTROL & ENTER together, and it will put WWW.EBAY.COM on the address line as well as load the page.
HOUSE said:
Another tip that speeds up browsing: Instead of typing "www." (website) ".com", you can simply type the "website" and press CTRL + ENTER to snap the www./.com before and after it.

type EBAY on the address line, press CONTROL & ENTER together, and it will put https://WWW.EBAY.COM on the address line as well as load the page.

Interesting that is a NEW one one me. See even old dogs can learn new tricks.

I use my History a lot to go to places that I frequent, place the cursor in the address bar, hit CTRL A (this will highlight what it there) then start type the 1st couple of letter of where you want to go for instance to go to Bass Pro I would
A drop down list will show up just click the one you want, normally it will be the 1st or 2nd entry.
The right click thing is a Windows based add on and not a Google Chrome add on.

When you first set up IE, it asks you what you want your default accellerator to be for the highlight text search. You can also scan down the pop up a bit and go under "All Accellerators" to use other sites that you may have loaded.
IF..they asked me the question "When you first set up IE, it asks you what you want your default accellerator to be for the highlight text search"

my answer would probably have been..

What the @#$% are you talking about? What is an "accelerator"? What is a "highlight text search"

I guess it might be a quick way to get somewhere...?????

They put all of the computer jargon in ....and....on the first day you open a program and you ( me, anyhow) have NO IDEA what they are talking about. We just click on OK and let them load whatever it is they want...then we never know or knew that we had a choice and what those choices might mean.

I've had a computer since my first TIMEX/SINCLAIR with 4 kb of ram way back before Apple made their first machine. I had to teach myself RPG to get to do anything worthwhile. Made a ton of money off of what that little self-written program would do, too.

Today's programs can do wondrous things, but many of us never get 20% of the capabilities out of them.

Thanks....Keep the hints coming. Rich
If you have already been to the site you usually don't have to finish it anyway...and you never have to put www. For example...if I want to go to Facebook I just start typing Facebook and push enter as soon as it fills in the rest...same for eBay, tinboats...any of my common sites,
Gramps50 said:
If you press the CTRL key before clicking and if your using one of the modern tabbed browsers it should open the link in a new tab so you can then click around without loosing your place at TinBoats

Clicking down the scroll wheel on your mouse does the same thing, even lazier then holding down CTRl or the COMMAND key on a mac
I tried. On the third time my computer froze. Had to control/alt/delete it... Is that the prize??
SVOMike86 said:
I tried. On the third time my computer froze. Had to control/alt/delete it... Is that the prize??

You now have the Ahab virus and only Ahab has the cure.

You win!!
What happened to my simple and easy hints???

We've been invaded by the "Ahab Issue". Sure glad I didn't fall for that one. My virus checker is working overtime now, too!

Ha Ha regards, Rich