Lost my best bud yesterday.....


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Well-known member
Dec 6, 2007
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Our cat fluffy started to act sick last weekend. Went to the vet Monday and the doctor said he was too weak and anemic to do any tests so they sent him home with meds to gain his strength. But his liver felt enlarged so they weren't sure if it was cancer of something else.

I came home from work yesterday to find him barely breathing. We rushed him to the vet to put him to sleep so he wouldn't suffer but he died in my wife's arms on the way there.

I'm really gonna miss him. He always greeted me when I came home from work and he always slept next to me in bed.

He just turned 8 years old a few weeks ago. RIP :cry:

Sorry to hear that man...I think it is interesting when you hear people "Joke" at those who suffer anguish over the loss of a pet cause when the table is turned it's a differant story. Sorry about that, little off topic. Keep yer chin up. The kat nip is deep, the tunafish is endless, the birds can't fly and it rains freash milk where he is now.
Nevillizer said:
Sorry to hear that man...I think it is interesting when you hear people "Joke" at those who suffer anguish over the loss of a pet cause when the table is turned it's a differant story. Sorry about that, little off topic. Keep yer chin up. The kat nip is deep, the tunafish is endless, the birds can't fly and it rains freash milk where he is now.

I have heard the "Its only a cat" a few times already. Some people just don't get it. Pets are family!
Sorry to hear that about Fluffy. It hurts. My cat died last year and I still miss him. He was my best buddy and had been with me thirteen years. We had been through a lot together. He was a mans cat. It feels good to come home and have someone glad to see you. RIP, Fluffy.
Sorry to hear it ACarbone.

Losing a pet is hard.
Sorry about your loss, I've got three cats. Cats and fishermen are alot alike, think about it. Oldest cat we got from a farm, next cat we rescued from a restraurant (scrawny but fat now) and the third just showed up and decided we were acceptable people and decided to stay.
Man i feel for you, Jenna my cat got hit by a car last year...Sweetest dag on cat i ever met, Its a tough thing to go through.
Very sorry man. We have 3 cats and 4 dogs at home and they're all like my kids.
[-o< [-o< [-o< for you and your cat...I hope you can find peace in that your cat is no longer suffering and passed away in the loving arms of someone who loved him...I am sure he was aware that he was loved and will not be forgotten...which made his passing a little easier on him...
Sorry to hear it man. Our dog is 13 years old and I know we're not far from being in the same shoes. Lost our dogs sister 2 years ago.
We had to have our dog put down last October(cancer),toughest thing in the world. He came into our lives at a good time and we had several wonderful years with him. When he was gone I said I wouldnt get another one,that lasted about 2 weeks! Then we got a golden retriever puppy,she is 7 months now and wide open, it is tough tiring her out! She is gonna be my new fishin buddy,but I still miss my old buddy.

RIP Grady J We still miss you.

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