My discography and a word from the wise

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Well-known member
Jul 9, 2012
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Gainesville FL
This morning I set out to the doctors office to have my spinal injections that is my last step to be set up for surgery to fix my lumbar discs injury.

After doing the laundry list called paperwork I was then called back to have my vitals taken which was fun at first because the woman although was older was good looking and happy. Then she looked at my paperwork and saw what I was having done and her smile went away and I immediately told her I know what is about to happen and I know that I am about to be in a world of agonizing pain.

After that she led me into the operating room where I laid face down and waited for 10-15 minutes as the doctor was getting prepped. Then the doctor proceeded to describe the procedure which as an EMT I already knew it and then he told me to brace myself on the table and just hold on.

Basically a discography (discogram) is the injection of contrast fluid into your injured spinal discs to determine which discs are causing pain by inducing severe bulging of the disc and without numbing allows the doctor to determine which discs are causing pain based on the patients screams or cries. Then directly after the patient is sent into a CT scan which is given a better picture because of the contrast fluid.

So after the doctor got all three needles inserted into my discs I braced for impact and to my surprise the first disc caused no pain at all. Then the second disc only caused slight discomfort over normal daily pain. Then when he went into injecting the third disc it was instant T/KO as I tried to rip that operating table in half. I didn't scream but I wanted to because hands down that was the worst pain I have ever felt in my life. My description of it would be a 9" KABAR shoved to the hilt horizontally on my lower back and then twisted vertically.

After hobbling in for a CT scan I proceeded to my truck and with my father as my chauffeur since I couldn't drive after the procedure and straight home. For the next week or two I will be dealing with severe back pain from the discography but it was needed to be done.

At least it is done and I am going in on Thursday to get my surgery set up to finish my life of back pain once and for all.

Word from the wise, if you have to ever have a Discogram then brace yourself for impact because it's unimaginable pain is served cold and with a side of no localized numbing injections.
Well I talked to my former FD chief and just asked them why all of these guys are constantly getting fundraisers and I can't even get just a phone call... And Poof he jumped on my case saying asking for a fundraiser is a good way NOT to get one...

I wasn't even asking for money I was just asking why I was hung out to dry.

Well I'm pretty well on my own on this one. Looks like there's a county that's going to get a REAL bad write up in my autobiography that I am starting today. Anyone wanna hear my life story? Since I can't get a job and I'm stuck at home it should only take me a month or two to get 4-500 good pages written and then a month or two to have it reviewed for publication.
Buddychrist. Heyzoose man you are the only guy on here who constantly brings a negative vibe. Suck it up, maybe get off of the computer, stop feeling bad for yourself and work on your core strength. I'm smashed head to toe and I'm sure others on here have health issues as well. Do I have to get spinal injections? Yes. Do they suck? Yep. I have crushed my L1,L2 fractured C6,C7 shattered my pelvis to teh point that I can never get a hip replacement. I'm worth more in scrap then my ADD policy. I still get up and go to work every day and don't piss and moan. Giving up and holding your hand out won't get you anywhere. Will you live with pain for the rest of your life? Yeah probably. What's the alternative? You have to be positive and tough out the pain and financial $hit.. just a word from someone who's been there and done that....Fish on!!!!
Captain Ahab said:
You really called and asked for a fundraiser? WOW [-X

I didn't call and ask for a fund raiser I just called and ask why I was completely left behind. I don't care about money but I am pretty pissed that when I got hurt they just threw me out and never called me to see if I am alright. But because I gave a few examples who are in the "buddy buddy" system it pissed them off.
Buddychrist said:
Captain Ahab said:
You really called and asked for a fundraiser? WOW [-X

I didn't call and ask for a fund raiser I just called and ask why I was completely left behind. I don't care about money but I am pretty pissed that when I got hurt they just threw me out and never called me to see if I am alright. But because I gave a few examples who are in the "buddy buddy" system it pissed them off.

Ya wanna really get them "going"? If the subject ever comes up again, look them square in the eye, and say; "and you people wonder why some otherwise reasonable folks climb up on rooftops with rifles". :wink: :lol:
They'll really start to wonder about how they handle things, and whether it was a threat.

BassAddict said:
I propose we start a fundraiser to get Ahab a new brain!

You see this would work but there is only one thing I see going wrong with this.

What is Ahab was a genius? We would all be in danger.
Buddychrist said:
BassAddict said:
I propose we start a fundraiser to get Ahab a new brain!

You see this would work but there is only one thing I see going wrong with this.

What is Ahab was a genius? We would all be in danger.

Good point! We better just go with a full frontal lobotomy. I can save us money on this too, my cousin Joey can do it with a crowbar and a power drill for cheap.
I got approved by VR today and If they send off my paperwork by tomorrow I will have Pre-Op this week and next Tuesday I will have the surgery. I have been waiting too long for this, it's about time It gets done!

Edit: The hospital just called and they changed the operation to Thursday. It's alright I have waited thing long.

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