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Well-known member
May 22, 2008
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Roanoke, Alabama
Just got home from UAB hospital in Birmingham. This last Weds. my 20 yr. old daughter was involved in an auto accident. Her c3 and c4 vertabraes were broken along with 8 ribs. The doctors said that her neck was broken, but here spine was not injured. Fri. they did surgery and replaced those verbraes and fused them with a titanium plate. Fri. nite she was in alot of pain and most of Sat. she was hurting alot too. But about 4:00 pm Sat she seemed much better and last nite she got alot of rest with a minumum of pain. As far as the ribs there's not anything they can do for it except for it to heal itself. The trauma doctors even told me she might could go home Mon or Tues. This has been very hard for me but the hardest part is my child being in pain and I am completely helpless in stopping it. Please pray for her. Her name is Ashley. Thank you friends.
Prayers headed your way, bro. As painful as broken ribs are, they heal. Count your blessings the the cervical vertebrae could be treated.
So sorry to hear it Woody.

Prayers sent that his healing hands are placed upon Ashley.
Praying for ya bud, just leave it in God's hands and he will take care of Ashley.