Nephew injured, need your thoughts and prayers

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Well-known member
Jan 8, 2011
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Manchester, MO
My 16 year old nephew was in a very serious car accident Thursday morning 3-15. He was airlifted to the hospital and has been in a medically induced coma since. The only broken bones he has are his T3 T4 and T5 vertebrae in his neck. He also has very light bruising to a few very small spots on his brain. He has little to no brain swelling and everything is looking very positive. They are keeping him in the coma so that his brain can heal and so that he does not move and injure his neck any more or injure his spinal cord. He is scheduled for neck surgery to fuse the three vertebrae together some time this week and then the plan is to wake him up and see exactly what is wrong with him mentally if anything. Everything looks positive and for you guys that know me you know that I come from hard headed tough as nails stock and Grant is a lot like me. He is in the best shape of his life and is built like a brick **** house so he has those things among others going for him. I am very confident in a full recovery but you just never know.

I will keep you all informed but please keep the thoughts and prayers coming.

You can see the initial accident report and picture here. He is lucky to be alive.

Here is a Facebook page set up to keep people informed.
Very best wishes to your nephew, and strength and comfort for you and the rest of the family. Please keep us posted.
Outlook is getting better by the day. The brain function seems to be normal and he wants to wake up. Docs have him on heavy coma meds to keep him asleep. The neck surgery is scheduled for Thursday and they will imediately take him off of the coma medication following the surgery. I will update late this week. Thanks again for the thoughts and prayers.
Sorry to hear about your nephew, hope he makes a full recovery. Will also keep him and his family in my thoughts and prayers. [-o<
Sorry to hear about your nephew bud. Thoughts and prayers to him and your family.