New PB mirror carp

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Well-known member
Sep 26, 2007
Reaction score
Norristown, Pa
Finally devoted a day to stalking some local carp. Landed a wide variety of things. Including 2 snapping turtles, 6 rainbow trout, 1 brown, 3 bluegills, 2 mirror carp, and 1 very small common, and even a big *** fallfish.

I also managed to break my personal best weight for a mirror carp, by 3lbs. It took me just over 30 minutes give or take, to land this sloppy *** fish. I was float fishing with my 9ft noodle, lined with 6lb fluro, so there wasn't much in the way of trying to horse it. After 10 minutes or so I was ready to just break him off. My arms were so cramped and tired after this one I called it a day shortly after. After a quick pic, and a weigh in, he was safely released to be caught another day.

New Pb 23.11

Thats just an ugly fish....
great job though,congrads on the new PB.
Thats is a awesome mirror, I still haven't caught one. That thing is huge, I would not want to deal with that thing on a noodle rod. Very nice work
Heh, heh, I would have done what you were thinking of doing - cut it off (or.. maybe not :lol:

Nice one =D>
6lb fluoro??? man... you may have been holding some kind of record there and not even knowing it.

Way to go!! :beer:
Congrats on the new PB.

That's awesome. =D>
Carp are very ugly, but they fight like freight trains

6lb flouro is my only option when I fish that situation for carp. They are very spooky, and line shy. I literally have to stalk these carp. I mean wade long streches of water, spot feeding carp, and offer a one shot presentation. I missed about 10 other carp that day, just with bad bait offerings. The leverage on a noodle rod more then makes up for the smaller diameter of line. If I went with heavier line, they would def. deny my bait. I caught alot of big fish on 6lb flouro, but never expected a carp over 20lbs that day. I knew immediately I had a big fish on, and figured it was going to be long battle. All fish were caught on the smallest pieces of maize(field corn) I had.