Not to happy with new 15 hp Suzuki review

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Short shaft motor and 3 short shaft boats and the pins were all the way in to the 4 up.
Well, Last Friday I went to the dealer to see if they have gotten to my boat yet. I noticed that the boat was sitting outside. I had told them that I needed the boat inside as it is wood and I don't want water in it sitting there. Well the girl that I talked to said the owner was not there and to stop back Monday. I asked her why the boat was sitting outside and that I wanted it inside. She had no answer as to why it was out. I went over to the boat and the cover I had on it was ripped from the blades of the t-motor. The boat was completely full with water. The weight of the water pulling the cover down in the boat is what ripped it.

So, Today, I went out to check on it again. We had a really big storm this AM. Boat is still sitting outside. I go in and ask for the boss man. They have no clue to where he is at. I asked them again why the boat was sitting out side and told them it is full of water and the cover is ripped. They just had a dumb look on there faces and the girl went to see if she could find Paul the owner. Then he pops out of a door right next to me and tells me to " GET THE F*CK OUT OF HIS SHOP AND TAKE MY PIECE OF **** BOAT WITH ME! " He was yelling at me. Then he tells me that I am not going to tell him how to run his business. I don't understand this one. He then tells me that he never wants to see me again and that I was treating his girl like **** and yelling at her???? I never yelled one bit. I never even raised my voice until this jackas* started yelling at me. I told him fine and that I was going to call Suzuki and tell them everything he has done and said. He then says " I don't care what the F*ck Suzuki says!"

Anyway I took a bunch of pics of the boat with the water in it and the torn cover and went home. I contacted Suzuki at their customer service # about the issue and they said they can't tell a dealer how they are to conduct business. They filed a complaint and said have a nice day! I then started to call around and see if I could get a regional service rep's #. I ended up getting a Sales rep's# and gave him a call and explained what has been happening. He pretty much told me the same thing as the CSR. He told me to take it to another dealer and that was it. He never even offered to contact anyone to find out what was going on.

All I can say is I am extremely pissed off right now. I have never seen or heard of a company care less than what Suzuki has been right now. The dealer I took it to said it will be about 2-3 weeks before he can get to it. So much for my spring fishing this year. All I know is I will never buy another thing from Suzuki again.

Now, I am going to look into filing a small claims case against the dealer here for leaving this outside and it filling up with water. I have an idea that the wood has been compromised by the water and will begin to rot from the inside out. The torn cover. The cover is just to keep the junk off it. Not meant to sit outside in the rain.

I am going to keep updating this as it goes forward.

Oh yah! Now all of a sudden the motor has about a 1/4 of a qt too much oil in it now. I have a feeling this guy was try to sabotage me. I know it was not too full as I checked it before I took it back out there to see if it was low. It was right on the dot on the dipstick that tells you it is full. Now it was up the stick about 1/2"
Lehr Outboards are sold at marine dealerships nationwide and over 300 West Marine stores.Lehr’s new 15 and its 9.9 feature the world’s first internal electric start battery weighing less than two lbs., eliminating extra weight or clutter of a typical lead acid battery in the boat.
It comes in eight, 15″ or 20″ shaft models using a typical five gal., BBQ propane tank., video:

These may costs more but maybe whoever you bought that junk outboard will order you one of these. Worth a try.
Sorry to hear that Tomme. I would not place all the blame on the dealer though. You are partially to blame as well. You cannot expect the dealer to bring your boat inside every night. I'm going to guess the space inside is limited and if everyone had their boat inside nothing would get done? Your cover sounds like a problem. Why would you have left it on the boat if it cannot handle being outside? Why did you not pull the plug on your boat. I'm also going to guess that you never fish in the rain or your boat never touches the water seeing as it cannot get wet.

I have worked retail/customer service for a long time and many times the customer is not always right. You bought nothing from this dealer and expect everything from him. Now don't get me wrong, I know there are some people that should have nothing to do with operating a company that deals directly with the public. This dealer might be one of those people, but without both sides to the story it is hard to tell.

What is this dealers name and location? There might be others who have had similar experiences with them. I find it hard to believe that the regional rep from Suzuki would give you no help. Maybe it is time for you to contact the BBB and company you actually bought the motor from.

I still fail to under stand why you would leave your whole rig there for a portable motor that can easily be taken off the transom.

I don't mean to sound so harsh, but there are always two sides to every story.
The motor is bolted to the boat. and it is a electric start. The wires are fastened to the transom and to one of the bulkheads. It is not just un clamp it and go. And the dealer has plenty of room to have this sit inside. He has 2 100x100 buildings that he puts boats in that are not to be left outside. Yes the plug was out but that was not the issue. The issue is a couple of the storage compartments do not drain and will hold water if left out in the rain. This boat sits under a car port when at home. The problem was he did not put it inside when he said he would.

I do not see how I would be at fault for something he has done. I have bought a trailer and a bunch of other stuff from this guy before. He is the goto guy for having stuff welded and modified in the area. I have had him do stuff for me. So yes I have bought from him. I have worked at a service station for 10 years and drove a wrecker for half of that there. I also worked at a paint and body supply house that did custom work for paint for the automotive industry. You can't tell me about working for the public. I have been there. I know how to handle irate customers and people. One thing you never do is fly off the handle like he did. You just don't do that. You try to resolve an issue. He did not even try. He was pissed off because he was called out on his mechanic not doing his job in the first place and that he did not do what he said he was going to do. I am not going to name him right now as I am going to take this to court. Everything has been documented through Suzuki and through the dealer I bought this motor from. Like I said earlier, they can not tell a dealer how they conduct business. So nothing can be done through Suzuki. The only help they can offer is to have it fixed at a different dealer. That is what is being done.
I almost bought the same 15 HP Suzuki from the same place in TN a couple months ago. Your situation is exactly why I didn't. Most reviews were good but people were saying that if you had a problem it could be up to 3 months to get fixed. Here in Ohio 3 months is most of the fishing season.
[url= said:
muskiemike12 » 22 Apr 2014, 05:28[/url]"] there are always two sides to every story.

3 sides to every story.

We are learning what it's like to purchase online, and then have an issue. Kind of makes one wonder. If the motor in question had been purchased at the dealer you've described, would he have been more likely to fix it?
From talking to a bunch of local people about this place, this is his standard of doing business. I have heard of a few others he has screwed and pissed off in the last few years. I am still waiting on hearing back from the Tenn. dealer. Seams they don't care either. I do know one thing. I will be telling everyone to NOT buy a Suzuki. I am done with all of these dealers. They all act like " I have your money now get out of here! " Including the Tenn dealer unless I hear something different. They keep telling me they are calling the Suzuki reps to see what can be done but they are not calling them back. If I owned a dealership and the maker of a motor I carried will not call me back, I would not be carrying that motor anymore.
I couldn't help but think "if it sounds too good to be true......" While reading this entire thread. You paid $1200 less to buy the motor elsewhere, this must have been a 20-30% disparity, that didn't raise any suspicions? I could see this for a $20,000 motor, but not a 15 horse.

You have to realize your local marina is a small business, and probably isn't doing as well as they have in the past. You buy the motor elsewhere after he warned you that its suspiciously cheap, and now you're upset because it was outside while receiving warranty work?

In a perfect world he would treat you as well as his cash paying customers, but it is quite common for dealers to not care about work for motors purchased elsewhere.

Threatening the servicing dealer with litigation is a waste of time, and in poor taste in my opinion. Unless yours was the only boat outside, you can prove he was out to harm you, and he told you to build your boat out of wood.

I would focus on dealing with the purchasing dealer, as well as Suzuki. Remember profit is what drives business, and makes marinas and companies want to help you. You took your savings up front, you may need to spend some to get them to care. Sad, but true.
I, for one, would like to hear more facts about this mysterious cavitation/ventilation phenomenon. I still can't clearly picture or even imagine it.

Next time the situation occurs, maybe someone could whip out their cell phone and take a video. Then, without changing anything, I would like to see a picture of the setup (motor on transom on trailer)...from all angles.

Then, and only then, can we begin to analyze the situation and find a cure. Let's face it, fixing the actual problem fixes everybody's problem here. The owner is fixed. The dealer is fixed. The selling dealer is fixed. Suzuki is fixed and the sales reps are fixed. The lawyers and the judge are all fixed too. Now everybody goes fishing in peace.
Well I got a call from Suzuki this AM. They have called the place that I have it at now. They are supposed to get to it next week to tear into it. The dealer in Tenn forwarded all the emails to Suzuki. I told the dealer yesterday in an email that I had put all of this on a boating forum and everyone seems very concerned as many want to buy motors online but will not because of stuff like this that is happening. We will see what happens next
And I am still waiting. The dealer took the lower unit off as the oil mysteriously stopped leaking. Ya right. He had to run it a few times to get it "hot" his words. And it is now leaking a little bit from the lower mail crankshaft seal. But he still can not fix it as he has to get authorization from Suzuki to be able to get the parts.

I wonder how HOT is hot? This is really starting give me very little faith in anything that is Suzuki related. I am supposed to go on a fishing trip on the 30th of this month. They know it and we will see if I am able to go or not. Who knows if they actually will get fixed right. I have little faith!
My brother had a 70hp Suzuki 4-stroke that ran like a dream - never any problems.

There are so many ways a thing like you're going through can go wrong - from the factory to the dealer and every step in between. I feel for the dealers only a little. In the last two years I have bought new a snowblower, rototiller and lawnmower. In each case I went to the small engine shop that's one block from my house and in each case the owner matched the big box store price. More $ than some faceless internet address and less than retail. Each time the machine was assembled, checked out, filled with gas and I got a personal thanks. Just as importantly, each time I developed a better relationship with a local small business. I buy a lot of things on the internet but when it's something complicated or expensive I want a face connected with the purchase. In your case I don't feel sorry for the dealer because it seems he might have been able to do something for you on the price. He would have been money ahead in the long run to have created some good will where you're concerned and a potential return customer rather than three pages of hard feelings on an internet forum like this.

The thing I have no patience for is the attempted extortion (or maybe it's punishment) by the dealer when suggesting that because you didn't buy it at his shop he has no responsibility to fix it. It seems to me that when one becomes a dealer of any product you join a network of dealers who are each supporting the others. What happens to his customers when they are away and have a problem? Does he want his customers treated that way? I doubt it. And what about the manufacturer, do they want this kind of bad feeling generated? I doubt that as well. For my part, as long as manufacturers give warranties to their products their dealers have to accept warranty repair as a fact of life. Not doing so in my view is a failure on the part of the dealer to provide service that was guaranteed to the customer when they purchased the product. Don't like it? Then give up the dealership.

For those of you old enough to remember the animated cartoon "Super Chicken" you know his famous line "you knew the job was dangerous when you took it". The internet has changed a lot of things about doing business but in the end customer service matters.
You learned the hard way that there is extreme value in buying from someone instead of something. I personally would never buy anything big like this with a faceless transaction no matter how much money is saved. There is huge value in a handshake. I hope you get taken care of well. I have owned a half dozen Suzuki products and they have all been fantastic.
[url= said:
tomme boy » Yesterday, 20:40[/url]"]And I am still waiting. The dealer took the lower unit off as the oil mysteriously stopped leaking. Ya right. He had to run it a few times to get it "hot" his words. And it is now leaking a little bit from the lower mail crankshaft seal. But he still can not fix it as he has to get authorization from Suzuki to be able to get the parts.

I wonder how HOT is hot? This is really starting give me very little faith in anything that is Suzuki related. I am supposed to go on a fishing trip on the 30th of this month. They know it and we will see if I am able to go or not. Who knows if they actually will get fixed right. I have little faith!

Does Suzuki have overheat protection? I know nothing of them. On many of the Yamaha's if the engine reaches a certain temperature, it will reduce RPM to about 2500 to help keep it from self-destructing. If your new zuke has that feature, then it generally won't hurt itself, even if a greenhorn tech forgets to run water through the muffs....

Again, never messed with suzuki's stuff. Yamaha's crank seals are simple fix on the smaller motors. Remove powerhead, remove seal plate, replace seal, reassemble. Only done one in 22 years; and it wasn't the factory's fault. Another shop attempted an "overhaul" and did a pretty poor job. That was a 25 4 stroke 1998 model IIRC. Took about 2 hours start to finish best I remember.

oops...2 seals in 22 years. The other one was a 2 stroke 25 hp that exhibited classic signs of an air leak, lower cylinder not running, etc....pulled powerhead, seal was just flopping around. Easy fix. Under an hour, best I can remember.
Still have not heard anything on when this is going to be done.

Lost out on a $500 non returnable deposit for a cabin rental for a fishing trip I was supposed to go on last week. The dealer knew this as I told him I had to have this back by the 29th. I am so glad that Suzuki and all of their dealers are so caring and trustworthy.
Was considering this new Suzuki from the Tenn website (newoutboards dot com) but guess I'll pass . . . found a local dealer that will match internet pricing anyway.

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