Painting marker buoys

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Well-known member
Jul 13, 2015
Reaction score
Portland, TN
Has anybody painted their marker buoys? All of mine are orange but I'd like to paint half of those another color for a 2 buoy drop system. Using just one buoy, I get directionally lost and 2 buoys of the same color didnt help like I thought it would. What kind of paint did you use? I Googled this topic but didn't find much.
Wyatt said:
I get directionally lost

Me TOO !!
I used to take the GPS out of my Jeep and put it on the boat.
there is no worse feeling as to being lost on a big body
of water or several connecting chain of lakes and dark
is near or storm approaching.
I now have a Humminbird with GPS - but the back up from the
Jeep is comforting.

Edit: Wyatt, I am assuming that you sometimes get
disoriented in sloughs and wandering waterways ???
Maybe keep in mind the Nautical Rules of Basic Navigation.
"Red Right Returning". Meaning that when you are returning
from the ocean or the larger body of water, you always keep the
red marker on your right side.
Red - not orange: maybe add a strip of red reflective material for night navigation.
Back when I was building foam model airplanes, I found out that styrofoam and spray can paint were not compatible. Seems that the propellant in the spray-can would melt the foam.

I'd just paint them with latex, using a brush. Or, even better, change the shape on one set by adding a little tower or flag.

Maybe I should have specified a little bit. I use them for marking drop offs, bluffs, and brush piles. Once I mark one, ill go off and mark a few more spots then return to the first one. Once I get back to the first one, I've done forgotten which side of the buoy my spot is actually on hence wanting a 2 colored buoy system.

My step grandfather (?) rattle cans his catfish jugs and they chip and peel like there's no tomorrow. Last thing I wanted to do was litter my waters with paint chips. Maybe he is just extra rough on his though. Maybe an enamel based rattle can? Maybe a few coats of that would harden nicely and last a while?
Johnny said:
Krylon makes a paint specifically for plastic
- or -
use their plastic specific primer for any other paints.
If they are plastic use Krylon Fusion. Walmart has it around here.
i just use cut up sections of swimming pool if you want different colors just buy 2 different noodles...they're like $1 a piece, can't go wrong.