Pet Peeve

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Well-known member
Mar 15, 2011
Reaction score
SE Lower Mich
One of my biggest pet peeves on this site is when someone post a thread on the mods page and after they post a few pics and a couple of ideas, if they don't get a respose right away, they whine that no one cares about their mod! What are you 5! :roll: :roll:
And also people that don't proof read their post when they're done typing! :oops: (Present company included!) #-o
Mine is when someone has and idea, and someone else just shoots it down with negativity. An idea is just that...but the negative criticism just peeves me.....It is like telling your kid no, no, no, don't do that or else......hell when I was growing up my parents encouraged me, even if they thought it was wrong, they always tried to tell me why......not lecture me with the all knowing some people do on this site and many others. As far as the proof reading...and mistakes....I am very guilty of this.....but this is not why I am here. If you have the time to correct my grammar and spelling, then you must more time on your hands than I do. :lol:
Being a forum Junkie I hear what you are saying fishingmich. There are times though where I see someone with a low post count post and get 300 views and no one comments. When I see situations like that I try to post even if I can't offer anything related to the post just to bump it to the top.

One of mine is people telling someone that the topic has been covered 100's of times and then tell them to use the search feature. When I post something that might fall under that category try to explain what I searched for and didn't get any results. Then ask if I should be searching for something different or ask for a link.
Gear Dog said:
One of mine is people telling someone that the topic has been covered 100's of times and then tell them to use the search feature. When I post something that might fall under that category try to explain what I searched for and didn't get any results. Then ask if I should be searching for something different or ask for a link.

I tell people that - but also post the links for the search I did for them, usually because I read another member who had a great answer and i am suggesting that they read it as well
I agree too about people shooting down ideas, and sometimes people forget that part of modding is being creative...sometimes you see a post about a neat 'home made' mod and someone says 'why dont you just go buy one'... Most people are on a budget, so creative answers and ideas are important....otherwise, the same critics should be asked 'why mod your boat, when you can buy one fully loaded?'
mine would have to be the battery question. how many times do we need to answer what size battery should i get?
i see a lot of people ask ,do you think this wll work and thn get upset when they get answer that they dont like.

ahab aint that bad sometimes
lovedr79 said:
The site is fine. My peev is poor ramp etiquette.

Not understanding how to use the search function, misspellings, and shooting down creative ideas are a little annoying on here, but poor ramp and boating manners are another. After a day on the water nothing annoys me more than poor ramp (having to wait 40 minutes as someone tries to center their 20+ ft boat on their trailer) and boating manners. I make it a point to stay closer to shore and avoid boats with large wakes, but they seem to find you and come flying within 50ft of you to almost show off. Sorry just my rant and pet peeve.
Agreed on ramp etiquette.. Because Im new to trailering and im still not good at it, Im picking lakes and times that arent busy so I dont hold anyone up untill I get more comfortable. Last day, our first outing we were in line to pull the boat out of the water when this 'party' shows up in a homemade pontoon boat. It was made with blue barrels strapped together, with a pressure treated wood deck. It had no railings or seats, just a floating dock with a 9hp. They got it in the water at the ramp, tied it to the ramp dock, and then proceeded to unload 5 lawn chairs, coolers, a patio umbrella from their vehicle while others were waiting. They took their time finding the right setup for their floating patio, no pfd's and 25mins after they had their raft in the ramp area, they finally 'set sail'.....
TheMaestro said:
Agreed on ramp etiquette.. Because Im new to trailering and im still not good at it, Im picking lakes and times that arent busy so I dont hold anyone up untill I get more comfortable. Last day, our first outing we were in line to pull the boat out of the water when this 'party' shows up in a homemade pontoon boat. It was made with blue barrels strapped together, with a pressure treated wood deck. It had no railings or seats, just a floating dock with a 9hp. They got it in the water at the ramp, tied it to the ramp dock, and then proceeded to unload 5 lawn chairs, coolers, a patio umbrella from their vehicle while others were waiting. They took their time finding the right setup for their floating patio, no pfd's and 25mins after they had their raft in the ramp area, they finally 'set sail'.....

I would have honked and made some ruckus on that one.

I had a guy w/family cut me off as I was getting ready to unload at the local ramp, as most normal people start on the right side of the road, and back their trailers in on the angle. We all usually prep the boat here (eg, remove straps/load rods/etc) then you've got a quick swing in to drop the boat off and get to the parking lot. This genius didn't want to wait his turn (there are 8!!!! ramps at this location), so he cut everyone - including me - off by driving down the left and picking the middle ramp to try and back into. As he was on the left, he didn't have enough room to make the swing on his 22' party barge and proceded to "Austin Powers" the rig back and forth until he managed to put the trailer in, all the while his family was milling around blocking his vision and getting in everyone else's way. To top it all off, he never disconnected anything so he had to pull it back out, block everything again, and take his time unstrapping and loading the coolers etc...

After 15min of this nonsense I wasn't the only one that was providing that goofball with some verbal encouragement to get his 5th point of contact in gear...

As soon as I had room my boat was in, the trailer was parked and I was gone.

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lovedr79 said:
The site is fine. My peev is poor ramp etiquette.

This is one of the best forums I have ever been on so not much really peeves me here but Poor Ram Etiquette that does make my blood boil. Where I go the water is really low so there are 2 good lanes at best. I come back to the ramp to pick my wife up and low and behold there was someone parked there with a trailer in the water. They were out riding their jet skies. I had overfilled my livewell and got some extra water in the boat that my crappy bilge pump wouldn't clear out so I wanted to stick my boat on the trailer for a minute and pull the plug. I backed down next to him and got my boat out and drained. This JA then pulls his jet ski up on the trailer and pulls it out of the water and begins to take the jet apart to replace some parts. I was wishing I had the number to the park ranger or the water patrol that idiot needed a ticket.

The ones with poor ramp manners always seem to be the same ones that own "wave makers" or as I call then drunken idiots.
3 weeks ago i was at a ramp big enuff for only 1 vehicle.this dipwad backs down,loads a KYACK on his roof then walks away.gone for 20 mins. while 6 people wait.he almost got knocked out.
Brine said:
fender66 said:
why dont anyone anser my qestoin?

if yool use the serch funchun at the top rite coroner, yool c that it has many ansers to it.

hear is won i fownd

I too have an issue with the big boats. In my old 18' Sea Pro there were so many freakin' cabin cruisers on the Chesapeake that I swear would intentionally go flying by very close just to see me get tossed around while trying to fish. No other boats would do it, just the 30'+ Cabin Cruisers. D*CKS!!

Non-boating boaters are the worst at the ramps. They can't seem to get there heads out of understand how their actions effect other people. I've had so many issues with kayakers in MD. Screwing around at the ramp. Hanging out and chatting while their vehicles block the ramp access. Giving you dirty looks because you actually want to get your boat in or out of the water. Shocking!! And it's always annoying, upitty, quasi-wealthy, greenie, granola white people! Their time is sooooo much more valuable than everyone else's. :roll:

Most jetskiers are awful too. Cutting you off, flying through speed restricted zones, zooming around right where you're fishing. Another case of heads too far up their bottoms to see how their actions effect other people.
I'm a pretty easy going guy, not easily offended, but people that talk down to less experienced irritate me. Yeah, and poor ramp etiquette! I came back from an afternoon of fishing one time to find 4 drunk people in lawn chairs in the water ON THE BOAT RAMP... I asked them nicely to move so I could retreive my boat, the leader looks at me and says "We're comfortable, you've got insurance don't you!" If I wasn't so easy going I'd have definitely knocked his a$$ off his lawn chair!

Oh yeah, long irrelevant rants bother me too :mrgreen:
I have experienced all of the above ramp situations, my favorite was the family lounging in the ramp. I asked them to move, they said they were there first...... The kids promptly ran off when my truck and trailer started down the ramp. She didn't move, I managed to get the trailer around her, pull boat all the while she was screaming I was trying to back over her. For some reason all of our public ramps are singles, which adds to the frustration.