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Well-known member
Aug 4, 2007
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Yet another move closer to Ahab!!!
Well even tho Dave tried to invite the whole forum I came away relatively unharmed. Only the regular breakfast crew showed but we had a killer time as usual. We BS about everything from fishing, forums, fishing equipment, computers, fantasy football & Dave...... Yes the majority of time was spent badmouthing Esquired in between bites and sips of coffee. As you can tell from the picture Moo was also getting crazy on shots of ketchup and water!!!!!! I should be back in jersey this summer (Dave ill let you know if I need an airport pickup!!!!) And hopefully we can do a breakfast/fishing day, thanks again all. The price of admission was well worth the company!!


And that pesky football bet was also taken care of (altho the guys chipped in for the tip which wasent part of the deal!!!!!!!)

It was great seeing you guys again and thanks again for the breakfast Mr. BA. My stomach is still full :LOL2:
It was great seeing you all. I had a great time! :mrgreen:
What a morning I had yesterday, Free Breakfast, seeing the guys and finding out I won the Tinboats fantasy football league, alls well in good ole SJ.

Thanks Mr. BassAddict for the breakfast, it was quite tasty!!!!! and you couldnt beat the price. Sorry Capt. Ahab and the others couldnt make it, you guys missed a good time :lol: We also talked about how nice it would have been if Mr. Jim would have made the trek, maybe next time bro. We'll have another one in the spring. Everything went well till the end, Mr. BA presented the plastic to the cashier, his eyes welled and swoosh, I didnt think anyone could have that much water in them, we walked out the door and the cold air hit, tiny ice sickles formed on BA's whiskers as we left, thats my story and I'm sticken to it.
Sorry i could not make it. But now that BA is leaving I will take the "good" guys (read, not BassAddict) out for a real nice meal - And then we fish!
Captain Ahab said:
Sorry i could not make it. But now that BA is leaving I will take the "good" guys (read, not BassAddict) out for a real nice meal - And then we fish!
:LOL2: :LOL2: :LOL2:
Captain Ahab said:
Sorry i could not make it. But now that BA is leaving I will take the "good" guys (read, not BassAddict) out for a real nice meal - And then we fish!

You gonna pick me up or leave me hangin' again?
Popeye said:
Captain Ahab said:
Sorry i could not make it. But now that BA is leaving I will take the "good" guys (read, not BassAddict) out for a real nice meal - And then we fish!

You gonna pick me up or leave me hangin' again?


bait that is