Remember when ...

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Well-known member
Jan 8, 2012
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Kimberly Wisconsin
A candy bar only cost a nickle?

A cane pole and a can of worms made for a fishing trip?

When $20.00 would buy a case of beer AND a tank of gas?

Remember when ...
gas was $26.9 per gallon
cigarettes were $.23 a pack
cherry coke at the fountain was $.05
candy was a penny a piece
go on a double date and everyone kicked in a buck for gas - and you had enough gas for the week
45 RPM records - all the new hits - $.59
a movie and popcorn for two - $.25 for the movie, $.10 for popcorn
and on, and on, and on........

Ah, the days when the fun was to play hide & Seek after dark in the neighborhood - until you dad yelled out the front door for you to come home, shoot hoops with the hoop on the garage, bicycle and hitch-hike was the way to get around, sock hops,

and more.... who remembers more??
I remember!
Remember when there were only 3 channels and the only remote control was dad telling you to turn channel because you were laying right in front of it.

Remember when if you and your brother were fighting in the car. Dad would pull over and give you both a couple wacks with his belt? Now he would get arrested!

Remember when if you wanted to make a call you would either have to have a dime for the phone both or wait till you got home and the phone had a rotor dial.

Remember when if you wanted write to someone in another place who you never even met you got a Pen Pal! :lol:
Not knowing, I would guess Up In Smoke! but I doubt it. Speaking of which, when I did such things.. My first nickel bag was 3 fingers and was Panama Red ( considered rag weed at the time ). Oh well, lived through it with only a few thousand brain cells lost, and something to blame my man boobs on! :)
Remember when they had gas wars and you could find gas as low as 10 cents a gallon. Coke came in 2 sizes and the small one was only 5 cents. You could buy those banana flavored taffy like candy 2 for a penny. Matches were free and if you wanted to roller skate, you had to find the key. We were limited to 3 channels of black and white TV and if you wanted to see that third channel someone had to go outside and turn the antenna. Remember when we use to get milk in a glass bottle with a cardboard stopper and the horse drawm wagon would come down the street delivering ice. Remember when your grandma would make homemade peach or blackberry cobbler.
Here's another....

remember when, we didn't have metal detectors at schools?

When we didn't have police officers stationed at schools?

When every guy that had a truck parked in the student parking lot had a gun rack, with a rifle or a shotgun in the rack, sometimes with the windows left down?

When parents raised their kids, instead of the government raising them? When we would have never dreamed of administering dangerous schedule II narcotics such as ritalin to kids who got bored in class and stared out the window, daydreaming?

When kids grew up shooting real guns and therefore had an appreciation, understanding, and respect for the potential danger?

When students in ROTC marched down the halls with 22 bolt action rifles and shot targets out behind the school as part of rifle team practice?

When, despite all this lax security, we never had tragedies such as Columbine or Sandy Hook?

I can remember it, because it wasn't that long ago. Sure was a different time, for sure, and one I wish we could go back to :(
You guys are old!
I only remember used 58 vettes being sold for $850, 55-56-57 chevys for $50-150, a 57 fuel injection unit for $75, and being able to buy a brand new 427 425 hp Biscane for around $2,800.
Only problem; was earning $1.25 hr. !!!!!!!
Going back a little further, I do remember the 6c coke in the small bottle, and 18c hamburgers, and getting milk delivered in glass bottles with about 1/2" of cream on top.
And a little further, listening to the Lone Ranger on the radio!
And fuel oil @ 11c a gal. (have a bill that grandma pd.)
My mother would give me a dollar bill and tell me to get the six for a dollar hamburger special at the corner burger joint which was a luxury for us!

Going to the junk yard to pick out old bald tires and we would use them for drag slicks at the races!

Picking up old soda bottles and saving for an eternity to buy that chrome six shooter cap gun! That store owner wasn't happy when I showed up with a bag of loose change!
i remember when my grandparents had the milk box on the front porch...

when me and my brother could go to the local drug store with a note from my dad and get his beer and cigs..(10 and 12yrs old)

when you got a job for being the most qualified and not because of your race...

when night crawlers were 50 cents for a dozen (wich was like two dozen)......

when ya didnt ever lock the door at home, and i mean never.....

when it was a big deal to go see a movie in the theatre.......

when kids didnt care what they did for fun as long as it was outside playin with their buddys....

when there wasnt a inter-web............

when you saw somebody that needed help and went out of your way to help them instead of looking the other way.....

when you started school every morning by saying the pledge of allegience and felt proud because it was not offensive to others....

when parents didnt have to worry about their kids getting shot or going to jail...

when you could say merry christmas instead of happy holidays without some liberal puke saying its offensive....

when kids called their parents and other adults maam and sir because they had respect!......

when ronald reagan made you very proud of your president........

yep....them were the days....
PSG-1 said:
Here's another....

remember when, we didn't have metal detectors at schools?

When we didn't have police officers stationed at schools?

When every guy that had a truck parked in the student parking lot had a gun rack, with a rifle or a shotgun in the rack, sometimes with the windows left down?

When parents raised their kids, instead of the government raising them? When we would have never dreamed of administering dangerous schedule II narcotics such as ritalin to kids who got bored in class and stared out the window, daydreaming?

When kids grew up shooting real guns and therefore had an appreciation, understanding, and respect for the potential danger?

When students in ROTC marched down the halls with 22 bolt action rifles and shot targets out behind the school as part of rifle team practice?

When, despite all this lax security, we never had tragedies such as Columbine or Sandy Hook?

I can remember it, because it wasn't that long ago. Sure was a different time, for sure, and one I wish we could go back to :(
Very well said PSG, One other thing I could add, All my neighbors had just as much rite to beat my *** when we acted up....and got it twice as bad when we got home. Our real problem in this country is how kids are raised today without consequence. It makes me sick.
lol i remeber when gas was 99 cents and i rode my dirt bike to the gas station no one cared
and Mcdonalds had 29 cent hamburgers

im too young to have fallen off any dinosaurs :LOL2:
Wow , you guys are making me cry..Thanks for the memories...River
Jim said:
I remember when a dime bag used to cost a Dime! :LOL2: :LOL2: :LOL2:

What movie was that line from?

My favorite one, "half baked!" -Willie nelson

..... You could ride in the back of a truck!

Remember when........
Jim I could narrate that movie, mute it and I can do true script. Have u ever seen the back of a $5 bill......... Red team go red team go......
I dont remember any of that...guess i missed out. cheapest gas I can remember is 1.00. and that was 14 yrs ago. :shock: I think Im just now starting to get old. Oh and i believe it was a 20$ bill.
cheapest i remember was $1 back in 1995.

.....remember when you rode your bike in a shorts, flips and no safety gear?
I remember doing a LOT of things without safety gear, like, shooting a 357 magnum with no earplugs or glasses. Skateboarding without pads or wrist guards. Shooting BB guns without glasses. And many other things I would never dream of doing today without proper safety gear.

It's a miracle I still have all my fingers and both eyes!
PSG-1 said:
Shooting BB guns without glasses.
Ya we pushed the envelope on that one a little bit. We'd play war with BB's guns or just have out right BB gun fights.
Of course that was with the old Daisy lever action cocking mechanism guns before they came out with the pump up models. What got really dangerous was when we'd break out the home made sling shots with green plums. Those things would do a lot more damage than any BB gun. #-o