Rhyan Craft: Now BRINE CRAFT


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Back to paint...

So step 1 was paint the boat white, and step 2 was to put out a rough outline with light gray which for me looked something like this:




All of this was done with a regular paint sprayer using Rustoleums Marine Paint - color Gray
I then used the stencil and sharpened up the edges (as shown in the video) of all the grey. This is where the airbrush made it's debut.



Gunna have to wait for a bit for the next set of pics, because I realize I haven't taken them off the camera yet.

Stay tuned!
the tools....



After the paint, I put on 5 coats of Duplicolor clear coat. No sanding, just kept circling the boat until 4 cans were gone.

Very Glad to be done with this part.
That is so awesome! I've been thinking of doing a digital camo, but I don't know if I'm the painter that you are.
Thanks for the compliments guys.

countryboy210 said:
Awesome !

Where did you get the stencils ?

In the video, the company is mentioned. It's called Kustom Shops. They have the stencils availble to order on eBay for slightly less than their own site when you figure in shipping. They were shipped from California. The billing info was for a company called TCP Global if I remember correctly.

kkrueger said:
That is so awesome! I've been thinking of doing a digital camo, but I don't know if I'm the painter that you are.

:LOL2: I assure you I am a NOVICE at doing this. By the time I got done with the boat, I felt like I was starting to know what I was doing. I can tell you with these particular stencils, it would have been MUCH EASIER if I had the boat upside down. Fighting gravity and the slope of the boat was the most time consuming part of the project and forced me to lay the stencils a certin way most of the time. The airbrush had a bit of a learning curve, but it was mostly in finding the right viscosity to mix the paint. It would go alot faster on the deck (flat surface) and I may consider it in the future.
dc3232 said:
Man, that is awsome!!! When can I bring mine by? :LOL2:

Anytime. I'm happy to supervise :LOL2:
dc3232 said:
Would you let me borrow the stencils?

You can have them. They're a mess tho. Lemme know and I'll bring them with the foam sheet.
Brine said:
dc3232 said:
Would you let me borrow the stencils?

You can have them. They're a mess tho. Lemme know and I'll bring them with the foam sheet.
I would like to use them later this summer. I think my 10' Hydroplane would look great in urban camo.
What the hey !!!!! I just want mine to look that good AFTER the mod. Nice rig, look foward to your reported progress.

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