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Well-known member
Apr 26, 2008
Reaction score
Tampa, FL
rain came out of nowhere in tampa, fl today, i usually try to go fishing with my son every week on a sunday, which is the only day i have off, between , juggling - my job, wife, newborn, and trying to find time for oneself, i always love taking my son fishing,, last week i went fishing with a buddy, for crappie,,
which we didnt catch nothing, really sad we didnt catch nothing for 3 hours we called it quits!
my son that morning was really upset at me, at why i didnt take him,,,he cried and i felt bad, hes only 8yrs old ,, so i promised him every time go fishing he will be with me,, so i made him happy,, so i promised last week i would take him fishing this sunday (march 1st),, and its raining,, thru this afternoon to 1pm then heres comes the cold front!!!!! grrrrrr,, last night i set up the suv, put the jon on the trailer, , charged my battery, put the fishing rods in the suv, TM, Tackle box,, (i get super excited when i know im going fishing the next day), all set and ready.. and BAMMM rain came thru,, sooo pissed!!! i put the boat and trailer back in the garage, and now im inside my house looking outside my window at the rain!!!

i should build/invent some sort of dome with nuclear power generated (flux compacitor) to create a shield around the lake and no rain can bother us , perfect weather, ...

....... :x
It is kinda hard for Us up north to feel your pain.... thanks to ACarbone624 we are looking at u to 17" of snow
a little rain would be much better

sorry that you can't take the son out though always next week or a sick day either will work

Sorry to hear about your trip being rained-out. What if next time it's just a slight rain (not a blowing storm), slap some raingear on you and your son, and fish from the bank? He may get a kick out of it, or not be so ready/disappointed to go fishing next time it rains. :wink:
I feel your pain, Kemical. I've been landlocked the last two weekends due too weather. Today we are under a Gale warning 30 - 47 knot winds. I haven't seen a dozen gale warnings here in 20 years and we have them the past two weekends. Don't worry, Spring is almost here. Most of Our bass have already spawned out. The Speckled Trout are starting to stage on the outside bays. We will be complaining about the 98 degree temps with 99% humidity before you know it. We have been able to due some needed repairs to the fleet of boats that my fishing partner and I have accumulated.
The bottom feel out yesterday and it ain't stopped yet.It supposed to turn to snow later today.I am having my doubts about the snow,maybe ice.

Crummy here too.

Snow on the ground from last night and the wind is gusting at about 30mph. I was going to the lake today just to mark brushpiles with the GPS but I can't even do that because of the wind.

I will trade you temps. My mother called to tell me that she made it to Jax yesterday and that there were kids in the pool. :roll: