Ten minutes ago......three casts and BLAAAAMMMM!


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Well-known member
Nov 27, 2010
Reaction score
Houston, TX & Crossville, TN
I bought a new lure this afternoon. It is a crank-bait that is colored like a bluegill..In fact, that is what it said on the box .....BLUEGILL.... $2.88 ( I'm a big spender).

So, I was hoping for a small bass in the pond. I was burning the lure from my shoreline. Third cast..... Wham, this lovely cat hit it.

I've caught cats on spinnerbaits, but not on a crank from my pond before. To add fun, she jumped after I struck back. Probably scared the cat-doo-do out of her when she felt the hooks. A couple of minutes fight and she was netted by my now experienced wife. What a way to spend the evening in Texas!

regards, Rich (sorry for the fuzzy picture, but my phone camera doesn't do well at sunset without a flash)
Nice catch! I've been catching them on my spoons that I use for pike. Last one I caught was about five feet in front of me cruising the shore line so I tossed that big ol spoon in front of him thinking it was a big largemouth and the kitty opened its huge mouth and took it....scared the crap outta my girlfriend when I got in on shore.
This lipless crank ...."bluegill".... may rank as one of the best lures I've ever tied on!

Tonight I decided, at sunset, to try five casts before we adjourned to watch TV. Three casts were burned just like last night. NADA....

I slowed the next cast down and caught a typical pond 1 1/2 lb or so LM Bass. The next cast I slowed way down and caught another channel cat. This one wasn't as big as Thursday night's fish, but still was 2 lbs. or more. All on the same lipless crank.

That equals three fish in eight casts on my new favorite lure.

These pond fish have always been stupid and easy to catch...but...not this easy. I went back up to Academy last night after the first catch and found that other guys had bought ALL of the same bluegill lure up ( at $2.88). I did buy 8 additional similar lures...a couple in "baby bass" coloration and a few "sunfish" patterns.

regards, Rich
Alas, it seems that the lure has lost its magic. TEN casts this morning and nary a bite. Can you imagine!!

None-the-less, I'll keep trying. Since the Magic occurred when I was fishing at sunset, and not in the morning..maybe there is still some magic left ....Ha!

I did find a LINK to the lure, but the price went back up to regular at $4.00 or so. Still not too bad for three fish, ....even if I never catch another fish on it. regards Rich

The magic returned.....

I decided to try a few casts at almost high noon today. Fourth cast...blammm...a nice LM from the pond on the same lure. Let's see....that is 3 casts; one big cat; five casts; one LM and one mid sized cat; ten casts NADA; and four casts right now...and one fish. four fish...22 casts.....pretty good for ANY lure.. Ha! Rich

p.s. remember that the fish in this pond are very easy to catch. Your results may vary...Ha ha ha!!!!

I need a pond in a big way. I was thinkin of borrowin an excavator and digging one about fifteen deep by about a half acre. I'm torn on stocking though. I live in troutland...they do well in the cold water but I hate those slimerockets. I really want bass, cats, bluegill, northerns, and muskie....but they may not do well together. I dunno any thoughts on that? I guess I could do tiger muskie since they are sterile...but they still eat everything they can get a hold of. A local lake here put some tigers in to control noxious fish (carp) but once carp are about two pounds or better they just keep livin. The tigers are fun to catch out there but they have ruined the bass and catfishin.
Many States have Departments that will help homeowners set up ponds. Perhaps your State can help. Of course, some will only help if you open the pond up to the public. I wouldn't do that.

One reason that this 8 acre pond holds so many easy-to-catch and stupid fish is that few of the other homeowners fish very much. Rich
I'll have to check into the state thing...I certainly wouldn't want it open to the public since it would be in my yard and the public in general sucks. I would however think about a club with no dues....just help with stocking and such. Not sure....its a dream as of now. Would be nice though. I live very close to decent fishing and can take my tinny to those places. So when someone gives me a couple million I will make a pond big enough for my tin baby.