Thermacell skeeter repellent

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TinBoats Supporter
Nov 29, 2006
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Shrewsbury, MA
I need trusting TB member reviews here. Is this thing worth the $25 bucks? Nothing worse than sitting on the back deck getting eaten alive. The neighbor has a propane tank thing that is useless according to him and he keeps it going 24/7. Mostly all the reviews are positve...Thats why I'm skeptical.

Who has really used one?
Joe keeps running his mouth about it and says all the guys at deer camp swear by it. But untill I see his in action the 25 dollar price tag plus refills is a little too expensive for me so i think ill settle for the off personal fan thingy
the thermocell works great it is a completely different concept than the propane tank ones (mosquito magnets ) the thermocell repells and the M.M attracts and kills. I have both and they work . When I was working in Panama on the canal we had one on base and I can tell you those skeeters on the canal were no joke and the M.M. kept them in check.
I bit the bullet and bought one last week after Quakerstack talked about it on here. I got it at WalMart for $20.

I put it in the middle of my boat while I was working on it the other night... turned it on when the skeeters came out, and after about 10-15 min they were all gone.
I was out there til about 10, so for 4 hours it kept me clear of bugs. I think that's how long the first mat lasted too. I think the propane tanks last about 10-12 hours, and I guess a mat lasts 3-4... maybe that's why it came with 3 mats and 1 propane tank.

I'll be buying another to give Tiffany. They eat her up, but don't bother me... ever since I got the Anthrax vaccine, nothing bites me... when mosquitos get through my thick skin, they usually end up dying before they ever get off my arm (and not from me smacking them)..
anybody got a link? havent heard about eather but ive got atleast 20 skeeter bites on me from camping this weekend
Loggerhead Mike said:
anybody got a link? havent heard about eather but ive got atleast 20 skeeter bites on me from camping this weekend

From Amazon:
The Thermacell is worth its weight in gold. I use mine during bow hunting season as it is usually in the low 90's here in Ga. at the start of Bow season. They take about 5 minutes to start working after they are lit. If it is too windy they don't work but they the skeeters get blown away also. The refills can get expensive if you are going to use them for fishing for long periods of time.

For fishing I just put on spray. Avon sells a great bug spray. It doesn't even smell like bug spray or make you smell like a girl. It is not skin so soft either. That junk never worked. Here is a link
The Thermacell is one of those products that actually lives up to the hype.

I won't be caught out after dark without mine. The refill packs seem kind of expensive but there are a lot of pads in there. At least the last box that I bought had a ton of them and several gas units.

They don't bother the deer while it's still hot outside and needed, either. You have to have something around here during the early season and you may as well stay at home if you are using a spray.
thanks fellers, i'll glady play 25 bucks to get rid of all these skeeter bites. now only if they made somthing to keep the poisen oak away :x
There's a guy that uses one on his boat when trolling for salmon up here and says they keep the biting flies away as well.
I havn't tried mine yet :oops:
Theres alot of blackflies(biting insects) right now but we normally always have wind.I have second hand talk from a fella at the tackle shop that it didn't work to well on blackflies...he said they were landing on it? remember thats second hand talk.
I thought this flies were attracked to CO2 but I think it might have something to do with heat also because they swarm the head of my TM too.
I would have killed for one if these last night!!!! Bubba was getting ate up too!! The bugs were so thick that when a spotlight was shined across the lake, it looked like millions of em everywhere. Ive never seen em like that......
Thermacell works like a champ. I use mine for fishing and bowhunting and I have never regretted buying it, it has never let me down.
I bought one and some refills and put it in our camper. We haven't used it yet though because it rained that last time we went camping. I may drag it out of the camper though and keep it handy in case I go fishing at night. I went Saturday night for about an hour and until me and the kids got sprayed down the skeeters were trying to carry us off!
Since I've never used one myself and can only report their effectiveness based on someone elses observations, does this have a noticable odor? My wife uses the Citronela candles and tiki torch fuel outside the camper but I kinda get sick of that odor. If these don't smell like the citronella then I might get one for inside.
They have a very (very) faint scent if you put your nose right over the unit while it is running but if it is not strong enough for a deer to smell when standing directly underneath you, a human nose definitely will not pick up on it at a few feet.

They make a unit that doubles as a lantern for use while camping. (or at least they did at one time)
I purchased one and so far so good. If its not windy, this thing actually works.

On a side not Basspro has the camo ones on sale for $19.99 and a $5 mail in rebate to boot.

on another side note. Basspro's website sucks now that you have to click on another page to see the price.
Jim said:
I purchased one and so far so good. If its not windy, this thing actually works.

On a side not Basspro has the camo ones on sale for $199.99 and a $5 mail in rebate to boot.

on another side note. Basspro's website sucks now that you have to click on another page to see the price.

DANG DUDE!!! BPS up there is rippin' y'all off. Around here those thngs sell for around $20.00
Popeye said:
Jim said:
I purchased one and so far so good. If its not windy, this thing actually works.

On a side not Basspro has the camo ones on sale for $199.99 and a $5 mail in rebate to boot.

on another side note. Basspro's website sucks now that you have to click on another page to see the price.

DANG DUDE!!! BPS up there is rippin' y'all off. Around here those thngs sell for around $20.00

I think he meant $19.99 that is what they are at the BPS down the road from me.