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Had enough of dealing with the stupidly added front bench seat provided by the boats previous owner. That's gone now.

Set to work building a half-height deck for the front, hopefully now I can actually use the front of the boat for more than cooler storage and a bin for the anchor to rattle around in. Calculating all those goofy compound angles makes me glad I paid attention in engineering school - but what's the best way to anchor the front angle at the peak of the deck? There's no bench or support at that level, right now the 2x3's are just resting on the hull up there - I'd sure like to have a little more contact area up there.
Accidentally threw a rod and reel into the lake on a cast yesterday. Have you ever watched nearly $300 sink and not be able to do anything about it? I went swimming, but couldn't find it! That sucks enough to make me lose sleep last night.
fender66 said:
Accidentally threw a rod and reel into the lake on a cast yesterday. Have you ever watched nearly $300 sink and not be able to do anything about it? I went swimming, but couldn't find it! That sucks enough to make me lose sleep last night.

Hate to admitt it but I have done it more that once #-o
fender66 said:
Accidentally threw a rod and reel into the lake on a cast yesterday. Have you ever watched nearly $300 sink and not be able to do anything about it? I went swimming, but couldn't find it! That sucks enough to make me lose sleep last night.

I have not yet lost one but my dad did and he recovered it. He was casting north/south so the line was going north south, he maneuvered the boat to the east and started casting east west over the top of the lost pole, he retrieved very slowly keeping the weight and treble hook on the bottom, eventually he snagged the line and pulled up the pole and got it back.
BassAddict said:
Watching snake underworld and theres a man on who is undercover because of his collection of venomous snakes...... One cant help but wonder if this is fender!

I can't answer that or I'd have to kill you!

Actually....I'm not stupid enough to mess with the venomous stuff. Not worth the risk.
Good - Playin' Hookie from work

Better - Goin' Fishin' while playin' Hookie

Best - taking your 3yo daughter with you down to the pond and watching her catch sunny after sunny on a slip bobber.

I need to find a way to quit work so I can do this all the time.

Also - can you order Driftmaster rod holders direct from the company?

Everyone I asked up here about them gave me this look: [-(

The Scotty rod holders I got are nice, but they're not going to work with my boat - should have kept the dang receipt....
Don't think you can order them direct. You can email them at [email protected] for more info. You can order online from BPS or Cabelas as they both carry the driftmaster holders. What's not working with the Scotty's?
Popeye said:
Don't think you can order them direct. You can email them at [email protected] for more info. You can order online from BPS or Cabelas as they both carry the driftmaster holders. What's not working with the Scotty's?

My gunnels are all wrong. They're too thin to mount the Scotty's directly to them, but too deep to mount under/around them. I need like an inch spacer to mount the bracket.

I figure if I've got to go to that effort, I might as well get the Driftmasters and mount them directly to the gunnels.

I suppose if push came to shove I could just cut up a 2x4 and use it as a spacer, but it looks cheap and cheezy to me.
Gotcha. The Scotty's I used had the bolt down base and I attached them directly to my 2x6 cedar board I use for my down riggers.
I've been called a lot of things in my lifetime.

Some good, some not so good.....

My all time favorite though is DAD!
Went out for a few hours yesterday