What Is It About "Location". . . . ?


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also one of my pet-peeves... My favorite question is when someone who doesn't bother letting anyone know thier location, and then asks how much is this boat worth... :twisted:
When I first signed up I didn't put my location on either. I think for some, there is always some suspicion or fear about putting your info "out there" on the internet. It may be a generational thing too, people who aren't used to having their info widely known or available. There are also the paranoids who believe it's just one more way that people can find them out somehow; I have a family member who thinks the Feds somehow care about what he is doing and is convinced that satellite and other types of surveillance are directed towards him in some way (yes, the gov't did launch a multi-million dollar satellite to watch him take out the garbage!).

I am still of the opinion that personal information is just what it says, personal. As such I was at first uncomfortable in putting any more than the necessary info here. I soon realized that if you took my moniker and location you'd never be able to find me anyway. Related to this is why do people blur their boat registration numbers or license plate numbers on photo's they post. I'm not sure why they do that - can you find the owners of vehicles on the internet using the license numbers?

Anyway, I agree with you guys that including location makes the posts more interesting because it gives them context, like a recent post from fisch from Australia bemoaning that he can't get his lawn mower started. Knowing he was from another hemisphere made the post more interesting to me and an opportunity to give him some grief. I think there is a difference between letting your friends know on Twitter how your morning BM went and providing some simple info like location on tinboats.net. Come on people let us know where you are, even if it's just a general area or state.
I also think it should be added in some way. I have meet a few guys from the site and it was made easier because of the location info.
I think it makes it a bit easier to share info with someone that gives a little info.
to me no location means that you are not going to share info in an honest way
like Ahab said just give a state. unless it's RI that is a big area to cover
It's a peeve of mine too. Especially when the topic is fishing related it's always helpful to know what part of the country (or world) a person is in. Secondly you never know when you're going to find a fishing buddy. As bobberboy said, your screen name and location together aren't very useful information. As far as that goes, I haven't met anyone here that I wouldn't share my name, address and phone number with anyway.

Maybe the FAQ page should have an entry about why filling out the location field would be useful. Even if they only put a major city near them would be great and probably more useful that their exact town. I doubt there's more than 3 people on here that know where Hiram GA is but most people know where Atlanta GA is.
It is great to know where others are from. There maybe some place you want to go to fish and knowing where some one is from could help you get some info on those places. I know I have "talked" to a couple of guys on here that are close and I hope to fish with this year.
I'm a nobody from no place.

it says so right there.
pharaoh2 said:
I'm a nobody from no place.

it says so right there.

The areas of Alberta I've been to are beautiful man... it is kind of nowhere, but that's what makes it so great!
It is a great feature that helps you understand what others are asking about their boat, fishing, etc. I've hooked up with several members for fishing trips whom I would now call great friends. I've invited several more who vacationed close to where I fish and they were not able to make it (you know who you are :LOL2: but I'm not naming names!!!).
I, on the other hand, am the extreme opposite. I probably wouldn't hesitate to give you a key to my house if you asked. I do remember who has them though and wouldn't hesitate to kick your butt if you emptied out my fridge without asking. Even worse.....if you recorded a chick flick on my DVR without permission! :wink:
How many people can say they are from Paris.......... Kentucky? It's true I'm a Parasite.
tccanoe said:
How many people can say they are from Paris.......... Kentucky? It's true I'm a Parasite.

=D> =D> =D> =D> =D>

Is that near Versailles? (you know the one near London)

For those who have never been there it is pronounced "Verr -Sales" in Kentucky

In France - "Ver-sigh" (as in when someone sighs)

No idea how to Paris in Kentucky :mrgreen:
Captain Ahab said:
tccanoe said:
How many people can say they are from Paris.......... Kentucky? It's true I'm a Parasite.

=D> =D> =D> =D> =D>

Is that near Versailles? (you know the one near London)

For those who have never been there it is pronounced "Verr -Sales" in Kentucky

In France - "Ver-sigh" (as in when someone sighs)

No idea how to Paris in Kentucky :mrgreen:

While in high school I worked at a gas station in Boston........................................Kentucky. It's a little bitty place too.
Its a requirement for my Witness relocation program....... :mrgreen:


Just kidding about the witness relocation program.

However that really is my license plate, and yes it is my screen name on just about every site.