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Nov 29, 2006
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Shrewsbury, MA
Wow, sick as a dog. Seems Everyone has it. Head and chest cold really bad. Seems like I can't get rid of it, it started Christmas morning.
If it's what my wife had Jim, get ready, her lasted 3 weeks. Throwing up and diarrhea come next, which dehydrates ya.
Doctor put her on antibiotics, cough syrup and expectorant and told her what they always say, plenty of rest and fluids. A lot of people here are getting it, I haven't yet.....knock on wood.
Get well soon
I was hit with walking pneumonia on Sunday the 13th of December. I went to a doctor on the 14th and missed that whole week of work. I went back to my doctor on the 21st and managed to make it back to work on the 24th. I had been coughing so hard I have ended up with an umbilical hernia(pushed out belly button). I am still trying to shake this cough although it is not as bad as it was two weeks ago. It is a very dry cough.
Probably what you've got is a Rhinovirus. There is a particularly nasty one that is making the rounds this season. Starts out like a BAD cold and then settles in for about 3-4 weeks in your upper respiratory tract and then wanders around that with various unpleasant symptoms. Basically, you just feel like crap for a month and then it takes 2 weeks to feel "normal". Happy New Year !!! #-o
The must abundant amino acid in the body is glutamine yet few even know about it. Your immune system is loaded with it. When your sick you feel rundown for days because the level of glutamine in your blood is way down. Rare red meat is a great way to get it but everybody should keep a small jug at home. GNC type places have it and maybe even Walmart. It's a tasteless white powder that you mix with water or juice. Best absorbed on empty stomach. No side effects. The more expensive the better it disolves and absorbs but any is better than nothing. Generally body builders use it so they don't get run down but we all need it when our bodies are stressed. It's not an instant drug but anybody run down will perk right up from it. You can really see it work when you give it to wife or kids that have been sick and if you take it before a nap you will feel it. Goggle it and do your own research. Less and more often is better than a large dose. Mix it with Gatorade because that's the second best thing you can drink when your have been sick and drinking a lot of water. Hope yall feel better and go get this stuff it's great!
We just made it through Christmas. My daughter (7) wasn't feeling well Christmas night and my wife took her to the walk in urgent care on Saturday morning where she tested positive for strep. My son (5) has had the non stop cough for 2 weeks. He went to the doctor the week before Christmas because we thought it may have been whooping cough but luckily it wasn't - doctor said it was just a virus going around. He was back today because there has been a river flowing from his nose since Christmas morning. They said it was just the end of his cold. At least my wife and I haven't gotten sick..... yet. It's inevitable.