Recent content by tbernet15

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  1. T

    12' V-Shaped Uknown Rebuild

    Alright thanks. I am still open minded right now and debating everything over in my head haha. Thanks for the support all 8) -new pictures will be posted later that show the side, bow, and stern in hope someone will be able to identify the boat? and on that note, a friend guessed it was a...
  2. T

    12' V-Shaped Uknown Rebuild

    Alright I will get those pictures up ASAP, probably tomorrow. At this point I'm willing to take any advice on how to go about completeing this whole project. I'm in the process of stripping/gutting it right now. I have removed the seats and started to strip any old/flakey paint and have...
  3. T

    12' V-Shaped Uknown Rebuild

    I've been the owner (through inheritance) of an unknown 12' v-shaped older boat for several years now. The past week, however, I have decided to start a project to repaint, remodel, and repair it in time for the upcoming fishing season. I am new to, just recently I've started...