Recent content by technohillbilly

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  1. technohillbilly

    goose and duck calls

    I bought every call known to man and practiced for years and still couldn't call worth a ****. So I searched around and bought an app for my phone, a small but strong speaker and this cool little water proof case, now I don't have to call. The app I bought works well on Aussie Black Duck and...
  2. technohillbilly

    The "007" (Duck Boat)

    The paint was done freehand. I first used 3 cans of spray on etching primer to paint the boat inside and out (to the chines/waterline). When that was dry I then used 6 spray cans of flat finish paint (4 cans of 3 shades of green (2 cans of darkest olive green), a can pale yellow and a can of...
  3. technohillbilly

    The "007" (Duck Boat)

    Isn't the "Interweb" a wonderful thing, you live half a world away from me (I live and hunt in Australia) and your efforts have still inspired me. Due to a lack of finance my boat will have to evolve over some time. My boat is a little 10' Seacraft (early 80's vintage) powered by a '87 suzuki...