1974 14' MonArk Shallow-V Project (Completed 5-11-2012)


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Well-known member
Jun 7, 2011
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Imagine Buyers Remorse for $400.00, O'well only lasted for like 5 Minutes.

Picked this up yesterday, going to start my first ever project boat. (Aint she a beaut Clark?)

I am very excited and it will for sure take me sometime (work, kids), I would like to have the exterior painted and the inside gutted by the end of Summer.

Designs to follow and as I progress pictures. I am SURE I will be faced with many have questions and concerns? But I have zero fear, there are some great contributors on TinBoats.net.

Model Number 01-02-3012 (I have tried to find the year it was manufactured, but I am having a difficult time.

As far as the trailer goes, going to re-wire the lights, there is a short somewhere, and replace and carpet the walking beam.









There are so many posts in regards to removing paint. I would like to strip the exterior paint this weekend. There are many ways to do this, with all of you and your experience, should I use a Wire Wheel or Aircraft Paint Remover?

Thank you.
I would recommend aircraft stripper. I used an aerosol Tal-Strip, pictured on my project, and it worked great. I've also used this brand https://erisautomotivetools.com/KLE-GAR343.aspx for other things in the past. I didn't try the wire wheel method, but I've heard it's a real pain. It's not going to be fun no matter which route you take, but the right stripper can make it surprisingly easy.
58superseaman said:
I would recommend aircraft stripper. I used an aerosol Tal-Strip, pictured on my project, and it worked great. I've also used this brand https://erisautomotivetools.com/KLE-GAR343.aspx for other things in the past. I didn't try the wire wheel method, but I've heard it's a real pain. It's not going to be fun no matter which route you take, but the right stripper can make it surprisingly easy.

Thank you 58.....I will be posting Pics soon.
Here is the story, figured I would try 2 sample areas to see what would be more efficient.

I bought 1 quart of Aircraft Paint Remover (Temp. 80+) let is work for about 20 minutes. Seemed to work OK, but left a thin layer of paint. The clean up too much.

I then used a Wire Wheel (4") cut right through the original paint and 2 hours later almost 1/2 the bottom and side done. Had to stop, getting dark and did not want the neighbors complaining.

I could have worked all night, but have the whole weekend ahead of me. Finished it off with a nice cold Grain Belt Premium (MN people would be proud) well maybe?






Soooooooooo.........Addicting I am Hooked.

Tight Lines Fellas!
looks good... my son and i did the entire bottom of our boat last week

took 50+ years of tarnish off!

Keep up the good work
Going to order the steel flex Tuesday, read through the steel flex post. I would like to go with a beige, From what I gathered if I don't add color the steel flex color is tan correct?

I also noticed while removing the paint, a couple dings, what can I use to fill these? Would JB Weld work?
You won't regret the steelflex. I used the gray pigment on mine. I was told you can add pigment at any hardware store but I just went with the offerings from the steelflex place. The base color is a little odd. It's not really tan/beige it's more like if you took olive and mixed it with beige. Not bad for a camo base or something though. Looks like a nice project. Good luck.
CoolHand said:
You won't regret the steelflex. I used the gray pigment on mine. I was told you can add pigment at any hardware store but I just went with the offerings from the steelflex place. The base color is a little odd. It's not really tan/beige it's more like if you took olive and mixed it with beige. Not bad for a camo base or something though. Looks like a nice project. Good luck.

Agree all around. However, you can't just add pigment, it has to be a special type of pigment according to Jerry at FASCO. You'll want to talk to him before doing anything "aftermarket" to the Steel Flex coloring.
Productive Weekend

Total hours grinding away 8 Hours.

Filled some dings and heavy scratches with some epoxy, need to sand them down and level off.

Called Jerry at Fasco and ordered the Steelflex, going to go with the Gray.






Picked up the mixer attachment at Harbor Freight-$2.99, going to purchase some mixing cups at the dollar store, 4" foam rollers and I am ready to go.
How summer slips by.

I had planned to Steel Flex the boat many evenings throughout the summer but ol mother nature has not been very cooperative. Everytime I scheduled to do this, the temp was too high, and the humidity, well lets just say to much.

Last evening was perfect for me, these pictures were taken this morning.

All in all it took 2 hours from the time I started mixing and applying, overall an exceptional job.

Prepped and wiped down with Acetone.





Don't fear the Steel Flex, easier than I thought. Just make sure you read through this forum, alot of helpful information and informative tips.

Thank you for all the helpful insight from the forum, could have not done without all of you.

Sorry for the Whiplash viewing pictures, I rotated them.
Hi Robb,
Nice job on that hull. I noticed that you steel-flexed up to the water line. What are your plans for above that?

Keep up the good work,
Ringo Steele said:
Hi Robb,
Nice job on that hull. I noticed that you steel-flexed up to the water line. What are your plans for above that?

Keep up the good work,

Thank you Ringo.

I am going to self etch prime, and a Dark Blue Rustoleum paint.

Awesome Job! I Have The Exact Same Boat I Picked Up For Next To Nothing....Soon To Be Modifying Mine With A Deck, Some New Paint And Some New Gunwhales(As the Ones Attached Are Bend Beyond Repair. Ill Post Some Pics As Soon As I Can! =D>
NC Speck-Tackler said:
Awesome Job! I Have The Exact Same Boat I Picked Up For Next To Nothing....Soon To Be Modifying Mine With A Deck, Some New Paint And Some New Gunwhales(As the Ones Attached Are Bend Beyond Repair. Ill Post Some Pics As Soon As I Can! =D>

Please post some Pics.

Looking forward to watching your build as well.

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