2 day trips to Trap Pond


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Well-known member
Sep 26, 2008
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Keith and I did some running around after leaving CHP and ended up at Trap Pond .. Dockrat was supposed to call and go with us but we never heard from him so we headed to trap around 11am .
Winds were stiff and we have some rain as well .
I had a nice LMB take my jig on the first cast but it went airborn and tossed the jig .. What a site :) .
Didnt take many pics because it was raining but I caught quite a few fish while Keith just watched and wondered :)
I had so many fish and nice fish blow up on my bobber .. At time it shcked the heck out of me because I was reeling in to recast and the fish would follow it close to the bank and just crash the bobber ..
I had 2 bite offs and lost 2 very nice fish . We had fish crashing all around us and NOT panfish but the problem was they did not want what we were offering .
I went to set the hook on a fish and my line broke near the rod tip .. I call to Keith to come try to snag my line and I noticed that he had finally landed a nice Crappie but he tossed it back and came to snag my rig .. The fish had let it go but atleast I got my rig back .
Keith was hook on trying to land one of them monsters that were rasing havoc while I kept nailing panfish .. crappie , bluegills , yellow perch and red ears but nothing really big .
Keith ends up with a nice LMB that looks like the fish that spit my jig ;)

The later a small Pickerel ..

Here a few Crappie I got ..



Sorry about the lack of pics but the rain was on and off but mostly on .
A great but strange day :)

We quit around 4pm as Keith had to be home at 5:30pm and I had to meet up with Jimmy later .. Man I am gonna be tired .

Jimmy and I headed to Trap Pond at about 9am .. It was very Sunny and my expectations werent great as far as panfish go and you need a boat to really get into the LMB or Pickerel but we were gonna give it a shot .
It was slow and it seemed we missed the morning topwater bite by minutes as we saw a few fish explode but none after the first 15 minutes we were there .
It took about an hour for us to land a fish .
My first 3 fish and 1 for Jimmy ..




At about 2pm I found some fish and the bite was pretty steady with Crappie . I had 3 older men just watching and I could hear things like "he's got another one" and "Man thats a nice one" and "he trowing that one back too" and even "I'd be on my way home with dinner by now" .. I laughed to myslef and just kept pulling them in :)
I found pods of Bluegills and Red Ears but only 4 to 7 inchers .. I got Crappie to 11 inches and kept telling Jimmy that I'd take a pic when I get one over a pound .. It just didnt happen today .
I got lots of fish and tried to explain to Jimmy how to cast along the bank at an angle to maximise the target area and still make long casts and also how to use the shade that was beginning to form along the bank .
I was over the 50 fish mark but like I said they were all small fish .. Jimmy said at the end that he caught a tad over a dozen fish and I just smiled :)
The bite progressively picked up Jimmy had to make that 3 hour drive back home so we called it a day at about 3pm .. It was tough for me and I most likely would have stayed if I was alone or had my truck as it was just about right for a real Crappie bite :)
Its all good though because I was just about at the 72 hour mark and like my woman told Jimmy .. I am a Pucking B******* when I am up too long (not those EXACT words :)) and only when NOT fishing :):)
Its been a great marathon but now I am done until after the Doctors Appointment on Tuesday .. Its time to find out for the 3rd time in 6 years whether or not I am gonna have Surgery or not . The first 2 times it was put off because they wanted a second opinion and the test results were not clear .. Seems the cysts are blocking the dies in the Arthogram and the MRI's only showed some black masses . I am hoping the 6 disc in my spine have not gotten any worse but thats wishful thinking . I alsmost dont want to know but It time for a real change ;)
Captain Ahab said:
Another great report - so, when do i get to try out this pond?

Heck I am saving the canoe trip "Just for you" but you better hurry .. I'm itching to get afloat out on this Pond :)
I get a kick out of some people to,when you tell them you release almost all your fish.They wonder why we fish,they just don't get it.
Another great day,you seem to always catch them.
Good job.
Zum said:
I get a kick out of some people to,when you tell them you release almost all your fish.They wonder why we fish,they just don't get it.
Another great day,you seem to always catch them.
Good job.

I agree with you...that sounds like my uncle when he said he can use 100lb line for bass :shock:
He is like "well a fish doesn't know the difference" or this 1 about my 45+ inch Muskie "well you should have kept it, you would have fed everyone. I don't see why you guys fish when you don't keep a quarter of the fish you catch". #-o