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Feb 24, 2008
Reaction score
Coastal Georgia
Hello all, I am new here. I have been reading as a guest, and figured this looked like a really good place to exchange ideas on my pet project - my boat project.
Last year, I picked up a '89 model Starcraft 14/32, with a '79 Evinrude 9.9 and a nicely built homemade trailer. All this costed me $900. The transom had been rebuilt, but they used treated deckboards there that were already reacting with the AL.
I did a conversion on it, adding a false floor of plywood and resin, a ply / resin transom, along with other such the likes (I have pics if you are interested) This all ultimately failed. I have since restarted, and wanted exchange some ideas. Mostly, since the ply / resin false floor didn't work out, I was wanting input on what to do there. Rubber coat? Just carpet?
I have attempted to add before / after pics. The after isn't the most recent, but close.


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Welcome aboard! No real ideas for your problem, but I know some of our knowledgeable members will have plenty.
Thanks for these quick replies. This is an active site, isn't it!?!?
Anyway, I have tons of pics of the project. I won't bore all of you with them.
Here is a pic of the parts that later failed. The problem with that floor was a flawed design of mine. Mud and such built up under it, and I thought I had made it so I could easily remove it for cleaning. As it turned out, removal was easy, but replacing it wasn't worth the trouble. As much mud and debris built up there, I would have had to remove and replace it about every other trip. I don't know, I may still put it back in. If I do that, though, I will have to replace the cheap foam I used under it. That stuff wasn't working either.
The transom, and other parts I added later, had material failures. The plywood and resin separated so badly. Probably my fault, probably made mistakes in the process. Still, I never did like dealing with 'glass. I would like to find an alternative.


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Welcome toulle,
Thanks for joining and posting your pictures. If you have pictures of the decking and some inside shots, I think some of the guys will be able to give you some solid ideas.

I think I understand now. You put foam between the wood floor and the boat between the ridges?

I know others here don't normally do that.
There was enough mud and such to clog the V's, stopping water from draining to the stern and out the drain properly.
Here are a pair of pics on the flooring as I went. (With my assistant...) The cheap foam board (I mentioned before) was to support the 6mm ply / resin / carpet floor. Due to the ribs, it would have been about 3/4" above the actual bottom, and 6mm would obviously not support me. The foam seems to be taking on water, now.
There were 6 sheet metal screws with large washers and these wire loop things (I think made to hang pictures, but they worked for this - attachment points to bungee gear down) on the floor. Idea was to line them up with tapped holes in the ribs to fasten it down. Great in theory, putting it back in after cleaning was problematic.
I may replace the foam board with some aluminum channel I have to support the floor, and find an easier way to fasten it down. (Maybe just run a better foam board along the bottom between V's? That would leave more space there for drainage and still give more than adequate support)
That ply / resin has not separated like the rest did. That leads me to believe it was the plywood's fault. This was 6mm water resistant luann, the same on one of the thwarts that did not fail. Meanwhile, 1/2" stuff of a different type, I forget what type, was what failed so badly.


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Thanks for nice comments on floor plan & such. I do think I will keep the floor plan, or at least close to it.
The middle thwart (or bench, or whatever name you prefer) is not much more than a frame to hold my plastic buckets (used for minnows, catch, or gear) in place. I am going to have to do something there, now, as I need a seat there. Perhaps a removable casing seat? Sticking up between the bucket holders?
I have considered a raised deck between the mid and front thwarts, but with it being only 32" at the bottom, I think I would have stability issues.
Also, having had the aforementioned trouble with the ply / resin, I am gun shy of doing more of that and aluminum decking is just out of range $$-wise.
Welcome aboard! I got a 14 jon w/a 32 floor out in the yard. I'll try to take some pics and post this week. It has a front deck and a floor with a couple of seats.
Welcome to the forum! What I would suggest is to lose the foam. Or glue the foam to the underside of the decking and maybe raise the flooring an inch or two with bracing to allow a greater room for water/mud to flow to drain.