Anyone on facebook?

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Yes! :mrgreen:

Sometimes even post my fishing trips, one post for each new fish if it is slow. This weekend I'll be posting my deer hunting trip - hopefully with video - we'll see how that works.
disregard the keira jackson friend request. she never logged off, so things got mixed up. sorry for the inconveience #-o
bandgeek1263 said:
disregard the keira jackson friend request. she never logged off, so things got mixed up. sorry for the inconveience #-o

oops! well... she's on my friend list now
russ010 said:
a lot more people than you know 8) (I think that's what it is...) my email used for facebook is [email protected]

Small world I clicked on your facebook link and we have a mutual friend Louis Gonzales Louis and me went to high school together
dneaster3 said:
Anyone up for starting a facebook group?

Here you go...
I'm "A Fan Of" now :mrgreen:

Find me through there if you want...I don't know what link to put up for my profile
Im in.
Im on facebook!!!

[email protected]

we need to bring this thread back to life!!!! I know there is more than a dozen of you guys on facebook!!!! Come on guys!!!